Chapter 6

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Today's the day. In just a few hours my mum would be dropping me off at the school. My mum has gotten on my nerves a few times by asking me why she couldn't stay and watch. Truth be told, I didn't want her to stay because she was just the mother of the water boy. I could just picture her standing up in the crowd and cheering me on, like what I was doing was really something to be proud of. I wasn't getting possession of the ball for my team or scoring goals. No, I was serving those people like their slave as they boasted about just how great they were. I was already a joke to them as it is, adding a Mum's Boy to my resume wasn't an option for me. 

There was one other thing that I enjoyed about match days. Just like the rest of the team, I got to stand with them and listen to the coach's speech before the game. The words of inspiration made me feel this tugging sense of pride, like he was speaking directly to me and nobody else. Yeah, that's rather cliche and all but when you hear the words you've always wanted to hear, you can't help but to zone in and focus on them. I didn't get bored as some of the others did and glance around the room. I didn't elbow the nearest person next to me secretively so we could roll our eyes together. I leaned against the back row of the lockers and just listened intently. 

Then, of course, the words ceased to matter as the boys would circle up for their huddle. I was cast aside like I wasn't even there. The captain, Harry, would lead the boys in rowdy cheers or verses from a popular hip-hop song. Louis would jump on him, even though he was usually a wild on anyway, and start shouting his own obscene language at everyone. How people could actually stand his hollering was beyond me. Everything was beyond and over my head. 

As of now, I still had my moment of peace. Well, my surroundings were rather peaceful but my brain activity was more like a swarm of angry bees. It had nothing to do with the match coming up. It had everything to do with Harry. I still couldn't get yesterday out of my head. I've sat in class and daydreamed about these kinds of things happening between us, often times they were much more physical and, sometimes, sexual but they were finally no longer figments of my imagination. 

Harry was different when he wasn't with his team. The boy actually could speak up and not hide behind his mysteriousness. He treated me as I was, not just the water boy but as a real person. I wasn't going to let that lure me deeper into my crush on the lad though. A simple kind gesture was sometimes hard to believe after being pushed around so much. I guess I'll just have to see for myself if there truly was more to Harry Styles than what I've gotten so far. 

Who knows what he'll be like towards me now that there's a match at stake and so many people watching his every move, his every decision.


"Do not think for a second that yesterday's little plan has been forgotten, boys." Coach started his speech in his non-conventional way for one of the first times. 

Just as always, I stood leaning against a locker as the team took the front audience around the coach. For once I didn't care to make contact with anything else but the floor. I was still listening in for his words of wisdom but otherwise I remained shameful.

All right, maybe at some point my eyes drifted up towards Harry, but it was only because I wanted to see if he let this burden hang around with him like he usually did. I wanted to see if he had forgotten yesterday. He stood against the bare side of a locker, right next to the coach. His arms were crossed behind his back and his posture resembled one of an obedient solider. I could only see him from one side but I could tell he was only focused on tonight and discarding any faults he had previously made. 

"Now, I've seen you all during practice today and I know that you're are very capable of getting a win tonight. I do not want you boys to get too cocky out there tonight because once you get that idea in your head that you're better than everyone else, it will reflect in the way that you perform."

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