Chapter 41

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Sometime, during the middle of the night, I guess, mine and Harry's bodies decided that we needed time apart. I woke up, taking some time to realise we were apart, to the sight of his back to me. I didn't know if I should scoot my body so it was pressed up against his again or to just stay put and not make any commotion happen on the bed. Maybe Harry wasn't even asleep because he was so excited about the game tonight? Then I thought about peering over over his shoulder to see if that was true. I didn't want to frighten him. There was also the chance that Harry was the type of person who preferred to have plenty of personal space in the morning.

I could always do that cheesy thing from the films where I roll over and kiss him on the cheek as I whisper a "Hey, you. Wake up," into his ear. Harry would probably like that since he enjoyed waking me up just yesterday. 

I felt a yawn coming up but I stopped it, catching it in my mouth and stopping my grand romantic film plan.

Wait, you can't whisper to him.

Actually, you can't be in close contact with him right now.

Next time just take the entire tube of toothpaste and fill your mouth. 

My lips turned into a thin line before I turned my head so my mouth was as far away from Harry as I could make it without having to get out of the bed. I might as well look at my surroundings since I can't really do anything else until the other two woke up. I had, surprisingly, woken up early and apparently first as well. Liam was still snoring, his body still in the same position that we found him in when we came in from the pool last night. I thought he would be the one up before us since he fell asleep earlier. 

My eyes continued looking around until I felt the bed slightly move beside me. I glanced over to see Harry's face, still sleeping. I wanted to stare at his face like I was trying to memorise it, to keep seeing him in the innocent state of sleep but I felt that if I looked too long he'd somehow find out he was being watched and wake up. He took in a breath, his lips barely needing to part to let the air pass through to give him not even another second of life. 

I felt it again, that he was going to wake up so I quickly began looking over to the shared nightstand between the two beds, I had some crisps left over from yesterday, probably stale by now. I took the bag anyway, carefully so that obnoxious crinkling sound wouldn't disturb and give me away. My thumb and pointer finger slid into the bag slowly as my eyes scanned back and forth between the two boys. They reached down inside of the bag and searched around for the first crisp they could feel. Once I snatched one up I put it into my mouth, the flavour of the snack being a new wake up call. I figured it was better to have crisp breath than the one that was awfully natural to me but I didn't want to picture a future where I had to have snacks around just to hide that part of me from my boyfriend. What a life that would be. 

After letting the crisp become softer in my mouth, stale or not I didn't want to hear the awkward crunch that would accompany it as I ate in the pure silence, I chewed, feeling as the crisp formed over the grooves of my teeth. That left them practically sticking together whenever they met. I swallowed the only bits of food that haven't made a temporary home in my mouth.

Okay, genius, you have crisp breath. Now what of Harry's?


Didn't think of that did you?

Maybe I didn't because I don't care about his.

You do now.


It's not like I could try and slip another crisp into his mouth as he slept. Not only was that a risk but that's just approaching the line of 'too weird'. I'd rather have Harry wake up to someone who wasn't trying to feed him in his sleep to disguise a part of him that I may not be found of.

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