Ch. 4: Last Day

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*Instagram Elvis Fan Elizabeth Savage (@easavage) is mentioned in Ch. 4 as a new dancer that becomes Lillian's first dance student*

May 15th, 1955 : Even though it was my last day in Jacksonville, it didn't mean it was my last day off. My dance teacher asked if I could help her out on something at her colleague's dance studio. When I arrived there, the studio did not have an on-going class. It was just my dance teacher and a girl I've never seen in my life.

Ms. Quinn: "Lillian, I would like you to meet Elizabeth Savage. She is your first dance student. I would like you to observe her strengths and weaknesses. That is all."

Me: "Yes Ms. Quinn, I will start her first lesson right away."

Ms. Quinn left to get breakfast, and I started my first lesson. We began to stretch, and I asked if she could tell me a little bit about herself. Elizabeth was an 18-year old from Georgia who began dancing a year ago. She saw the dance show yesterday, and complimented me on my dancing. I sensed that we would become close friends, even though she was technically my student.

After the lesson was finished, I exchanged numbers and addresses with Elizabeth, and promised that we would keep in touch. When I was picked up by my manager, I was surprised to see Evelyn and Kathleen in the car. I learned that we were going to lunch with Elvis' manager, Bob Neal.

We arrived at The Corvette Diner, which was located near the hotel Bob and Elvis was staying at. We walked in the diner, and I spotted Bob Neal right away. I made an excuse to not eat and said, "I'm going to powder my nose." I walked to the bathroom, but I got distracted by a couple who were sharing a milkshake. I thought it was cute sight to see, but I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and bumped into someone. I was fixing myself while I apologized for bumping into them. Then, a familiar voice said, "I didn't know a dancer could be clumsy at times." I finally looked up and realized it was Elvis.

Me: "Oh, hi Elvis. I apologize for bumping into you.!I didn't think you were coming to lunch today."

Elvis: "You didn't think I would spend our last day here in Florida with you- and the girls of course?"

I smiled and decided not to go powder my nose. We walked to our booth and were greeted by a very surprised Kathleen, who hugged Elvis tightly when she saw him. She gave Elvis quite a scare and I pulled Kathleen off of him.

Elvis, the girls, and I sat in one booth, while my manager and Bob Neal sat in a separate booth. Out of curiosity, I began to wonder if they were just good friends or had a past to speculate about. However, it wasn't my business.

Elvis and the girls ordered burgers, fries, and drank coke endlessly. I ordered fries and water, which made Elvis wonder if I was on an diet.

Elvis: "Lillian, aren't you going to eat something else than just fries and water?"

Me: "I'm not that hungry, and I'm watching what I eat. As soon as I'm back in Los Angeles, I have to prepare for another dance show."

Elvis: "You need to eat darling."

I smiled and got a small cheeseburger. We began talking about future plans, and the girls kept asking Elvis questions. They were interested in everything! I jokingly said, "You should be reporters," and Elvis agreed.

After we ate our food, we decided to walk to the hotel that Elvis was staying at. Kathleen and Evelyn rushed to the hotel, after learning there was a pool. That left Elvis and I slowly walking behind my manager and Bob Neal. It gave Elvis and I to have a conversation.

Elvis: "Lily, do you see yourself as a professional dancer in 20 years?"

Me: "I do. I think I would most likely be a dance choreographer and teacher in 20 years. Maybe I'll dance in some productions, but I might be a busy momma in the future. What about you Elvis? Where do you see yourself?"

Elvis: "I don't know... I might be still performing, or rarely performing because I have settled down with a loving wife and a kid or two, I was just- wondering if your mother is sure that your moving to Memphis this year?"

Me: "Elvis, my mother is unsure about everything. It seems like we will own a vacation house in Memphis. My mom says my aunt, her husband, and my cousin Richard will stay there 4 times a week. If I actually move there, I will be attending Humes High School."

Elvis: "I hope you move to Memphis. My mother wants to meet you and your mother. She's been asking how y'all been doing lately. And it would be nice to visit and talk to someone once in a while in Memphis when I'm home."

I smiled. I actually felt like moving to Memphis to meet Elvis' family and visit Elvis in Memphis. It sounded quite nice. I would be near New York, where I take lessons and perform often. It was a thought.

We spent an hour at the hotel just talking by the poolside, while the girls dipped their feet in the pool. After that, I had to head back to the hotel to pack my things and head to the airport. I hugged Elvis goodbye, and he promised this wasn't the last time I would see him. I left with my manager to drop of the girls at their hotel. Saying goodbye was sad, but I knew it wasn't the last time I would see them.. Including Elvis.

By the time my manager and I arrived at the hotel, it was around 5 p.m. We packed our things, and got in a taxi and went to the airport. I gazed outside my window, wondering if my life was ever going to be this exciting ever again.

We borded the plane around 5:50 p.m. Departure time was at 6:00, so there was 10 minutes to stare at my airplane window.

Manager: "Lillian, don't worry! You'll see the girls and Elvis again in the future. I know you're feeling down because of this great experience in Florida. You know.. Meeting Elvis, the successful dance show with your friends..."

She kept going... The plane finally departured and I whispered, "Goodbye Jacksonville, Goodbye Kathleen and Evelyn... Goodbye Elvis."

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