Ch: 9: Jailhouse Rock

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Elvis invited me to come and visit him on the set of his new movie, Jailhouse Rock. Jack came along, and we were greeted by Elvis and Colonel Tom Parker. Elvis showed us around the set and introduced us to his beautiful co-star, Judy Tyler. She recognized me from Guys and Dolls, and congratulated me and my family on our new addition to our family. I showed her a picture of my half-brother, Michael, and it melted her heart.

Elvis was getting ready to learn a dance scene in the movie. He was dressed up as a prisoner, and I was trying to hold in laughter.

"Elvis, you're a handsome prisoner. It's odd because I cannot see you as an actual prisoner!"

Jack and Elvis laughed. I was introduced to the choreographer, Alex Romero, who somehow knew my mother. He praised me as a dancer and choreographer, and didn't believe that I was only 15 years old.

He said, "Miss Preston, I know you are being honest with me,but you don't look or act like a 15-year old. More like a lady in her 20's. That's a compliment."

I smiled and thanked him for his honest compliment. I was excited to see this dance scene he choreographed and of course, Elvis dancing. When I saw the dance scene, I thought it was meant for someone who previously had dance skills. I suggested to Mr. Romero to let Elvis add his own style to the routine, which would make him more comfortable with the routine. He took my advice, and I watched Elvis adding his own moves and style to the choreography. He would ask me to reassure his choice in choreography. I would only give suggestions for the choreography, and actually help clean the choreography at the end. The final result of the dance scene was successful, and everyone was satisfied with it.

On the last day of shooting, everyone celebrated. I brought Baby Michael on set, just so Judy could see him. She carried and played with him. Her and Elvis took turns carrying and playing with him. It was a great sight to see. I could not wait to see the final product of the film a couple months down the road, and hopefully meet with Judy and her husband again.

Unfortunately in July 1957, Judy Tyler and her husband were involved in an automobile accident in Wyoming, and both of them passed away. When I heard of the news, I immediately called Elvis. He had already found out about it, and was so saddened to hear about their deaths that he didn't want to watch the film. I didn't have enough guts to watch the film, because all I could think about was the world losing a young, beautiful, and talented lady. Not to mention, she was really nice to me and my family.

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