Chapter 6

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"Iain I absolutely love the dress!", Aaliyah said meeting Iain half way for an embrace.

"And I love the dress on you! You look beautiful.",

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

Getting into the limo, Aaliyah felt like she was dreaming. It felt strange to her like she would be pinched awake any second, but she preferred to relish in the possibly temporary thrill. This year, she was learning how to live in the moment. Every day is a practice.

"I take it you like the limo?", Iain said as he poured Aaliyah a glass of brut champagne.

"I do.",

Iain passed Aaliyah her glass before picking up his.

"Cheers to a beautiful dress and the beautiful woman wearing it.",

Aaliyah smiled at Iain.
"Cheers to a wonderful night and the handsome man I'm spending it with."

They clinked their glasses together before drinking some of the champagne.

"I wouldn't rather spend this night with any other woman.",

"Iain you're so kind.",

"I'm just being honest.",

Aaliyah sighed, content with the joy she's feeling. She wondered if this was professional and she wondered if she should care. She's her boss's date. Well it's not him banging her on his desk but I guess it'll have to do. Small strides but maybe they'll get there.

"We're here sir.",
Getting out of the car, Aaliyah looked at the beautiful mansion ahead of the car and the gravel road that made her heels click.
Iain came up beside her and offered an arm.

"The party has just begun Ms.Pinkston, if you will....", Iain said in a British accent, waving his hand around his arm to be held by Aaliyah.

"Why Thank you kind sir,"
Aaliyah was on the verge of giggles by Iain's funny posh voice, trying to match but failing terribly.
They, together walked up to the front extravagant entrance doors.

"This place is amazing!", Aaliyah never knew New York held such fantasy such as this. The move itself was an incredible risk, one that she's glad she took to be here tonight.

Iain glanced over to his date.
"Yeah? You should see my house." He whispered in her ear. Purposely brushing his lips against her ear, breathing ever so slight.
Aaliyah turned a light shade of red at the statement. She felt as if the wind kissed her gently when he whispered in her ear.

'As if I would ever even come to the steps' Aaliyah thought.

As they walked into the entrance Aaliyah saw a lot of people at tables talking animatedly or at the bar ordering drinks. Some were even dancing elegantly in the middle of the floor. This didn't seem like any of the benefits she's ever went to, but then again she could count the events she's attended on 1 hand and they definitely weren't at the caliber of the people in this room.


"Want a drink? Me too, let's go.", Iain cut her off, as if he knew what she was thinking. He wanted no time for her to even second guess. The night had to go perfect for what he had planned, no time for doubts, only convincing.

'He has some explaining to do.' Aaliyah thought.

My Boss Is A Dom?!  *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now