Making A Connection

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I guess we find ourselves in one of those good news, bad news situations.

The good news is that we get to meet, which is really quite exciting when you think about it!

How often is it that two strangers, ambling their way through their lives, get to really make a connection.

We're just so busy all the time – what with school and work, getting sick, getting well, recovering from weekend benders and mad-capped bar room brawls, falling in love...

Just busy, busy, busy...

It's ridiculous really, when you think about it. We're so busy doing, trying to chase the brass ring and keep up with the Joneses, that we never take any time to just be with the people around us and, I don't know, experience another human life outside of our own narrow existence.

It's a crying shame, and we only have ourselves to blame...

I know, who has "time" to check in on friends, or go bowling with the guys, or just sit down and talk to someone?

There is always another report to file, another assignment to turn in, another show on television that you just must see...

But is that all we are? Just cogs in some grand, grinding machine called civilization, designed to feed us mindless, soul-less, dribble until we give up and crawl, blurry eye'd and alone into our graves?

I think we're better than that, don't you?

That's why I'm so glad we're going to meet.

Glad that you and I are two human beings just looking to get past all that.

Two human beings that won't let the fact that one of us may or may not have run into the other one's brand new BMW, and may or may not have forgotten to pay the fascists at the "insurance company" their blood money, keep us from making a real connection.

I think we're better than that.

So call me at 891-345-1111 and lets connect you and I, because broke people are a lot easier to talk to, than to sue.



A Year of Stories (Collection Three)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें