The Imperial Dog and the Pursecut Prince: Formal Introductions

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"I'm happy to see that you've both made it here intact, the Continent can be dangerous for foreigners, and the Broken Coast, more dangerous still. It would be a shame to be sent into Indriel's bosom before you've had a chance to prove your honor. It also appears that you've both come prepared. In which case, all that remains is for you to give your introductions, before this land and its Wounded God. Do this and we shall let the blood decide the rest."

"This man is Cree Bornrunner, a Pursecut Prince of the Sandy Shoal, who has come to this blighted shore from the Inner Sea to bathe your sands in the entrails of this Imperial dog, and prove his honor before Ashkent and all the rest."

"Welcome Cree Bornrunner, the Coast recognizes you, please feel free to have a seat while your opponent makes his claim."

"This man is Lord Wilhem Kamryn Strena, Duke of the Far Lands at the Edge of the World, Son of the First Queen Under the Stars, and Sub-Regent of All The Lands That Came Before. He is the one that is called 'Malachi' in the Halls of Akkarban, and who has earned the rights of Passage and of Trade under the King in Gold.

He was once Champion of Karmik, the Maker of Rules, the Bringer of Burdens, He Who Writes Laws into the Hearts of the Gods.

He is Great Grandson of High King Wulfstan Tahvo Strena, who was 5th among the Celestial-Lords, those who united the Seven Lands, and ruled them in peace and beauty for nearly two centuries.

In his veins runs the blood of the Precusors, the ones who the Gods of the Isle call Xi, those whose breath brought life to this world, and whose blood will bring its end.

He has slain the Griffin and the Boar, and has carved daggers from the horns of the Great Wrym Byrnmyr, who was called the craftiest of his kind, and the one whom even the Gods were weary of. He wields the sword Octavia – The Crystal Cutter, The Rune Slicer – the blade said to be able to rend the Truth from the bones of its enemies.

He is the one born under the star Minnos, known in this land as the Belt of Heaven, and who has trained on the White Mountain, in the cloister of the Blind Priesthood.

He is the Son of Sons, whose loins bare Knights and Kings in waiting, whose seventeen wives and four husbands, wield blades finer and sharper even than the Raven Lords and their Last Knights, those who rule across the Sea.

He has come to this place of sand and monsters and jungle and death to bring justice to this pirate lord, who calls himself a 'Pursecut Prince'. To bring honor to the House Strena and to the Empire on the Inner Sea. He claims the right to blood before Ashkent and all the rest of the Gods high and low."

"Welcome Lord Strena, the Coast recognizes you, and appreciates your people's...attention to detail."

"Good, now can we begin?"

"Actually... no, we can't just yet."

"And why might that be, Observer? Has the 'Prince' expressed his desire to leave this place with his head still attached to his shoulders, now that he knows what he's up against?"

"Not quite. We can't start because it seems that while you were making your introduction, our Pursecut Prince...has fallen asleep." 

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