Nightshot's Favorite Fan Mail

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from: Stanley []


date: Thu, Jul 28, at 10:17 PM

subject: Your Biggest Fan!

Dear Nightshot,

I don't know if you actually read these emails, or if this is even the right address, but I'd just kick myself if I didn't at least try!

You have no reason to know me yet, and I'm sure you hear this all the time, but I'm your biggest fan!


I mean it!

Of all the heroes in The City, you are my absolute number one, and I'd do absolutely anything for you.

I don't want that to sound crazy, because I'm not crazy, but it's all true.

I mean, I've been doing everything I can think of to make your life easier.

I bought all of the merchandise from your website, I'm the number one donor on your Crowdzsourced page ($500 a month), and I even picked up the "Best of Nightshot Non-Denominational Holiday Album," you released a few years back, when you were going through your "musical period."

I know that you say it's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done, but I think you're just being too humble, like usual. It's amazing! I listen to it at least once a week...sometimes twice!

I have so many questions that I want to ask – like how did you manage to escape Professor Kratov's island after he set off that Cold Fusion warhead, or what do you really think of Priscilla Amore?

If you want my opinion, you two are SOOOOO cute together! I know the whole former "Mistress of the Shadows" thing is kind of a turnoff, but who ever said love was easy?

There are SOOOO many things I'd love to ask, but I won't, I shouldn't, I'm better than that.

I read your profile in Powers Weekly, where you said the only thing you hate more than the Karthasian Hegemony, and rising insurance prices for the Powered, are "silly fan questions."

I guess that's why you don't list your email address on HeroesDex anymore...


The real reason I'm writing you is because I was watching an interview you gave a few weeks ago for CBC, where you said that you were disappointed that in all your years as a Hero, you never found a proper nemesis!

I thought you myself, "Well Stanley, you have super powers, why don't you give it a try?"

So yesterday, I kidnapped your Agent, tortured him for your email address, and dumped parts of him across Mid-City.

I know that might sound like overkill, but you did say that you wanted a "proper nemesis," and I figured that brutal murder is the start of all good Hero/Villain relationships.

In any case, I don't want to give you too much information. What's the point in having a nemesis, if you catch him right off?

What I will tell you is that I have your Agent's cellphone and his left index finger. You should be able to work out the rest from there.

I believe in you, I always have...



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