Enjoy Your Eternity

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Sorry for the delay, I was in Yosemite, which didn't stop me from writing, but did prevent me from posting (Internet was spotty at best). The good news is that you get three stories today!

"So, what do you want for them?"

"What do I... want? Don't you think we're a little past that?"

"Past that? 'That' is the entire point, my friend."

"You'll forgive me if I don't believe you."

"Consider yourself forgiven, but it's true, on my honor."

"And I wouldn't want to question your 'honor,' now would I?"

"Few find it to be a terribly good idea. Oh, that's right, we haven't been formally introduced – my name is Carson Nikolaev, and I'm what they call a 'Buyer'."

"A 'buyer?' That's new."

"I'm sure a lot of things are new to you, it's what happens when you're away for as long as you've been – the world moves forward – as it will for us all."

"Some of us faster than others, it seems."

"That's the way of things, chief."

"So, if you don't mind me asking..."

"I don't mind you asking anything, I'm an open book!"

"Right. Then tell me, Carson Nikolaev, what exactly does a Buyer do?"

"Reasonable question. I'm in the business of acquisitions."

"And what do you 'acquire'?"

"Goods mostly, occasionally services, and sometimes, if the money is right, individuals of particular value."

"Sounds a little like my job."

"Nothing quite so grand I'm afraid, though it's good work if you can get it, and you can't beat the hours. Back when I worked a corporate job, the hours nearly did me in, I never even got to see my kids."

"You're married?"

"Wrong tense friend. The wife left me before the twins could even speak. Serves me right, like I said, I used to work too much. I guess it runs in the family. My dad was the exact same way, a real workaholic, Vice President of something or another over at Ashfert Partners."


"He has been dead for fifteen years. The funny thing is that they still have his soul bound to some sort of shapeless horror down in their basement somewhere. Even in death he's a company man. I guess that's not all that funny, now that I say it out loud."

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