You Don't Have to Believe in Magic

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You don't have to believe in magic,

Because magic believes in you,

It's seeped into your bones and blood,

It trusts you through and through.

It finds the image in the mirror,

and the slipper for your love,

It girds you from the things below,

and seeks the ones above.

You don't have to believe in magic,

Because magic is in the air,

It wrests gold from the hoards of dragons,

and finds the hat within the hare,

It harries all the witches,

and keeps the Trolls at bay,

It sweetens every Elven song,

and joins the Nymphs at play.

You don't have to believe in magic,

Because magic is in the stars,

in the twinkle of every eye,

in our laughter,

in our scars,

in the wishes that are granted,

and the ones still on our lips,

in every moment of our life,

That we live from tip to tip. 

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