The Merchant of Akkarban

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Sutra One: Kneel low when you enter these Halls, even if it seems that no one is looking, a Blade needs no eyes to see.

"Rise Merchant, you are welcome here in the Halls of Akkarban, welcome and well met..."

"How very punctual of you, usually the King and Queen would have me waiting for the better part of the afternoon before they sent their Blade."

"And usually you neglect to tell the Court that you'll be turning up on our doorstep like some stray dog..."

"I didn't think it was necessary, the King probably knows I'll be here before I do."

"Even so, the Ministers prefer words, and proper etiquette..."

"I've read the Sutras Ceres, but that still doesn't explain why you're here? My head has barely had a chance to meet your immaculately clean floors."

"The Queen has need of your services Alexander, and for your sake, I hope you haven't returned empty handed."

"It's my greatest wish to retain my hands for a good long time, dear Ceres, I'm sure the Queen will be satisfied with my wares."

"The Path has not stripped you of your wit, I see."

"And these Halls have not stripped you of your beauty."

"Nor have they dulled my mind, Merchant, so why don't you keep your honeyed words to yourself."

"My honeyed words might go well with a pleasant meal and fine wine, don't you think?"

"Not unless the Queen herself commanded me, 'dear' Alexander."

"I really do love our talks Ceres."

"Just show me what you're carrying, and be off with you..."

Sutra Two: Words are silver, knowledge is gold, and the tale is the measure of all, trade these treasures with care.


"Sire, it is my hono..."

"It is not and your feigned formality insults us both, speak plain to me."

"If you wish."

"I do wish. Now, it has been some time since you last entered our Halls, how have your travels been?"

"Long and dangerous Sire, as they usually are."

"Is that right? How far afield did you go?"

"Far enough to see many strange things."

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