A Song For Tragedy Day

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Mourning Poem For Tragedy Day

Commemorating the 167th Anniversary of the Third Terran War

675 Million Casulties

450 Million Dead

"May their Ghosts always sing..."

There is no such thing as an empty battlefield.

The only question, "how noisy the ghosts?"

Even here, in the black, in the nothing, in the void –

You can hear them, far off and close.

Some wail for lives given in terrible ways,

Some wail for lives never lived.

Some were lost, some were found, some have drifted away,

Some took more than ever could give.

But battle does more than take lives, and make ghosts,

Especially out here in the black,

It makes heroes of some,

And soldiers of most,

Tragedies stacked and stacked.

But space also gives us glories,

The kind that make these ghosts sing,

And it's these songs we remember on Tragedy Day,

These cold songs we remember on Tragedy Day,

These sad songs we remember on Tragedy Day,

That have turned these ghosts into Kings.

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