This Movie Has Everything

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Twilight Happenstance 3: The Reunioning

A review by David Plum

I love this movie!

It's filled with action, intrigue, drama, love, characters speaking dialogue, characters acting as set dressing, characters who are simply implied by the storytelling structure and don't take part in story proper, and even a few characters you kind of wish were there, but who the screen writer didn't believe had narrative value, so were removed them from the final draft.

I mean, I can't be sure they were removed, because they're not there, but when you watch as many movies as I do, you can sort of feel these things.

The plot is great too! It begins right in the middle of the action with a scene that's kind of, sort of related to the theme of the film, but with an entirely different set of characters who are bit more disposable than the main cast.

It really gives you a sense of what you're in for!

My favorite part though has to be that bit about an hour into run time, when the protagonist looks like he's just about to get what he wants, but then everything falls apart! It really had me fooled for a while, I was like, "Wait, is the movie over already? That was sure short!"

But it wasn't over at all!

It wasn't over at...


This is bad.

I'm going to level with you. I didn't actually "see" the movie. I just ran out of time. My daughter is about the move into the dorms, and I had this dentist appointment I couldn't skip, and the Next Big Show was having its season finale.

Sure, I could have just streamed The Show later that night, but it's not the same, and you know how it is – you miss the live broadcast, hop onto Tweetspace, and then the first thing you see is a spoiler.


Don't get me wrong, I read the movie's description. It sounded good enough, I guess, a little stiff maybe, but not bad. Not really.

It should be fine though, all movies are pretty much the same anyway, so what's the point in over-complicating the thing?

I've been writing these reviews for years now, these days I just throw some adjectives together with a few sentences from the back of my screener, then tack on a rating and call it a day.

With all the re-makes, pre-makes, sequels, triquels and reimaginings – no one even notices half the time.

And anyway, the Director is family, a third cousin or something, Mom wasn't entirely clear on that, so its got to be great!

That's why I'm going to give this one a 5 out of 5 stars, a must see! 

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