For A Limited Time Only

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As a child of the burning edge of the Singularity, you may long for those romantic days of your youth, when physical death was a real possibility.

When disease and age and accidents gave our lives texture and meaning.

When you could truly love someone for the rest of your days, could plan for a finite future.

When the brutal elegance of base nature reigned supreme over all of our lives.

That's why for a limited time only, Invara Pharmaceuticals is offering, Limited Time, a new product that will take you back to those days when a stray strand of DNA, or a few ounces of lead could bring your very existence to an end.

Limited Time targets the complex network of genetic and cybernetic enhancements that have left us static, infertile creatures, and disables them, returning our bodies to a condition not unlike our pre-Singularity selves.

You'll be able to understand pain.

Your body will age and grow old.

You'll feel shortness of breath when you run, hunger when you don't eat, and lust for your romantic partners.

You will be able to live, as we all once did, with the ever present specter of oblivion to give you drive and purpose.

Supplies of Limited Time are, as you might expect, limited...

Additionally, we expect that with Version 8.1 of the Sapient Improvement Project going live later this month, drugs like Limited Time may become as distant a memory as death itself.

So, if you have any interest in opt-ing out of eternity, we suggest that you order today... 

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