It Will Never Happen Again

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I will not let it happen again.

I'm sorry, and I will not let it happen again.

This is my fault, and I'll never let it happen again.

I will never let it happen again.

I let my ego get in the way, and I won't let that happen again.

The behavior I exhibited was beneath me, and I promise you, I will never let it happen again.

I take my responsibility for my actions, and I will never let it happen again.

I'm an idiot.

I don't know what to say, this never should have happened, please know that I'm sorry.

I resign.

I resign, effective immediately.

I am not cut out for this work, so it's with great sorrow in my heart, and the greatest respect for my position, that I resign.

I failed, and for that I can never be forgiven.

I failed but if you're reading this, I'm no longer here to apologize, so I beg you to find it in yourself to forgive me.

I'm gone now, I hope their families can forgive me.


I made a mistake.

I made a mistake, and I have learned from it.

Yes, I made a mistake, a terrible one, but I promise you I will never let it happen again.

I made a mistake. I failed. I let my ego get in the way of my responsibility, and billions of people suffered and died as a result. I cannot be forgiven that, but I can spend the rest of my long, long life working to make it right. Working to earn the right to be forgiven. I promise you that I will happen again.


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