A One Line Play

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5/20/2016 - Entry #1203 - [Some Latin Title]

I've been sitting here trying to come up with a one line play, some piece of drama that would fit on one side of a note card.

Not one of those giant, novelty notecards either – I'm talking about the sort you might have picked up at a corner grocer in 1957 for a nickle.

I don't even know if they ever sold notecards at grocers, but you get my point.

For it to be a play, it needs a character, a plot, rising action and a satisfying resolution.

For it to be "one line," well, I don't have to explain that.

Dialogue is out, I guess. Dialogue would require more than one line, and in so doing, break the entire point of the thing.

Who needs dialogue anyway?

I'm sure someone more talented than me could have jotted down twelve, brilliant pieces of dramatic fiction, in the time its taken me write this journal entry. Unfortunately, he or she isn't sitting with me here at my desk, so we'll never know.

I've wasted enough time.

I better get down to it.

So, here we go.

Rolling up sleeves, not sure why, but it seems like the thing to do.


I'm really going to do it.

Yes. I'm going to stop writing and start writing!


"Ugh" looks stupid when I write it out like that.

Wait, I think I got one.


Alright, fasten your leather straps journal, because here it is:

"She lived deeply, they loved fiercely, and in the end, both died bloody but without fear."


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