Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ma'leek's P.O.V 

My alarm doesn't like me and sleep to be together, it seems to wake me up each morning. “ERR, FUCKING ALARM CLOCK!” I yell and smash it. I got up and shuffle to the shower. It was steaming hot and burns to the touch, but I get in anyway.

 “Ma'leek, get out of the shower you've been in there for half an hour,” my mom whines through the door, “you'll turn into a prune.”

“Yeah mom, I'm coming,” the floor is cold and the air was warm. My hair is dripping wet and my cuts from yesterday stinging as water starts to dry.

I walk to the kitchen with just a towel wrapped around my hips, “Morning mom,” I say getting a glass of water and making my way to my bedroom.

“Ma’leek, you need to eat, you're getting too skinny.” she utters using her parenting tone.

“Mom, I'm too fat.” I whisper as I enter my room. I looked in the mirror as I pass by it. You could see my ribs and spine sticking out, but I was still too fat. I sigh and get dressed. All black but anybody could guess that because I'm an emo.

I walk to school, looking at the ground like it is the most interesting thing in the world, it’s not.

Kids from school who can drive are shouting at me, asking if I want a ride. I never want a ride, do people ever give up. I ignore them and move my head like I am listening to music, I’m not.

I get to school just as the first bell rings, I’m always right on time. I go to my locker and shove some books in my bag, not caring which ones. I walk to home room and past my teacher who grabs my shoulder and batters her eyelids at me.

My teacher, Miss Dutch, is twenty three. It's her second year here, and I swear she has almost slept with every straight guy over sixteen. And now her sights are set on me, yay . . . not. I look down at her, shrug her hand off my shoulder and storm to the back of the class. I sit down next to Allie, my best friend.

“Hey Ma'leek,” she greets me.

“Hey,” I sigh.

“What's up?”

“I wish that slut would keep her filthy hands off me, she can have anyone but me.” I groan.

“I have an idea,” Beca, my other best friend, butts into the conversation, “Just kiss me in front of her so she thinks you’re gay. It should work.” even though Beca is a jock, he is super smart.

“Okay, at your locker, after home room.” I agree. Time goes so slow but the bell soon rings. Beca and I are first out of class. He leans on his locker and I lean on the one next to his.

Miss Dutch is the last to leave, “Now,” Beca whispers. Then he starts louder, “See you at break babe,” he leans in and kisses me, his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. My face goes bright red, but I wrap my arms around his neck.

I could tell Beca was enjoying this. His tongue rubs against my bottom lip, wanting entrance. He isn‘t getting it, he keeps persisting but we are broken apart when Miss Dutch speaks up, “Ma'leek, Beca, get to class.”

We scatter away in different directions, me to science and Beca to physical education. Allie was in science waiting for me. “Did it work?” she asks as I take a seat next to her.

“I hope so, she seemed pretty pissed off.” I smirk and take my reading book out of my bag, opening it to the last page I read. I am reading The Game of Thrones. My science teacher loves me and always lets me read. She's my aunty, my only aunty.

"I don't think I've even seen her give up that easily. But you never know." Allie comments and starts reading. She is reading The Hobbit. "This book is interesting, I just love Bilbo." she murmurs.

"Alex might get jealous," I smirk and concentrate again. I get stuck in the book and soon the bell rings for break, now I was going to see if it worked, but I don't think Beca would mind acting like my boyfriend for a bit longer.

I walk with Allie to the lunch room. I save us a table while she went to get herself some food. Before Beca got there and Allie got back, Miss Dutch moved in.

"I know you’re not gay Ma'leek, I've seen you with Allie. No gay guy acts like that towards a girl." she hisses at me.

"What can I say, I'm a gentleman. You better clear off my boyfriend will be here soon." just as I said that, Beca came up, wraps his arms around my waist, kisses my cheek and nuzzles my neck.

"Oh hey Miss Dutch, fancy seeing you here. Ma'leek baby, mom wants you to come over for dinner tonight." Miss Dutch storms off, thank god. “No like actual, mom wants you and Allie to come for dinner.”

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