Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ma'leek's P.O.V

"Sweetie, Allie is here to see you." Mom yells up stairs. "She's coming up."

There is a knock on my bedroom door, "I'm coming in, and you better not be naked!" Allie s grinning as she opens the door.

"And why would I be naked?" she confuses me, she says the most random and uncanny things.

"Cause you shower a lot!" she beams. How does she know I shower a lot? That reminds me, I need a shower. "No you don't, were going out tonight." how did she know I was thinking that, did I think it out loud?

"How did you know what I was thinking?" I sigh as I fall back onto my bed.

"Your face changes and you stare into space, that's how every knows not to disturb you." she explains as she rummages through my wardrobe, "Anyways, we're going out clubbing and Beca is coming too!" Allie is really excited, she has never been clubbing before.

"Are we meeting Beca there?" I ask without realizing.

"No, he's picking us up at seven that reminds me, can I have a shower?" she asks casually.

"Sure, you know where it is, or do you need help to turn it on?" I tease her.

"No!" she states stomping out the door. I put on the clothes that she has picked out for me to wear.

Allie's P.O.V

I’m in the shower when I find Ma'leek's blade, it is covered in blood, gross! I turn the shower off, grab the blade and get out. I’m going to get rid of it, because I don't like it how people self-harm.

I wrap it up in toilet paper and put it at the bottom of the trash can. Now I've done that, I can focus on me. I wrap a towel around my body and walk back to Ma'leek's room.

I open the door and went in, he is facing his mirror, "That was quick," Ma'leek said while doing his hair.

"Well what can I say, I shower quickly." I grin. He turns around and looks at me. His eyes go wide in shock.

"Put some clothes on woman!" he yells running out of the door and down stairs.

Ma'leek's P.O.V

I can't believe she was only wearing a towel! My mind is so concentrated on what just happened that I don't realise what I am doing.

I’m eating! I quickly run to the bathroom, before it all comes back up. I get to the bathroom just in time and am kneeling in front of the toilet. It leaves a funny taste in my mouth that makes me want to throw up more, but there is no more food in my stomach that can come up.

I get up and cleaned my teeth, then walk to the shower to get my blade. I search all through the shower but it’s not there. That's when I realise Allie was the last in there.

I walk to my room and glare at her, she just looks back innocently. Grrr... I hate it when she does that. "Well at least you’re wearing clothes now."

Allie just pulls an overly large smile, "Oh come on our parents' used to bath us together,"

"When we were in smaller!" I shouted a little loud.

"Ma'leek, I'm leaving for work, you two be good." mom yells up the stairs. Great, alone in a house with the over excited Allie, Beca better get here soon.


Chapter 4 will be up tomorrow, hopefully

DakotaShy :)

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