Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Ma'leek's P.O.V

"Ma'leek is everything okay at home? You haven't been here in days and now you've changed your look?" Miss Dutch's questions shocks me, since when did she care about her students?

"Everything at home is great for once, having Allie living at us is awesome. She's like my sister I never had and mom doesn't have to work two jobs anymore." I smile and Miss Dutch's jaw nearly drops, "You okay Miss Dutch? You look a bit pale." I purposely made my smile bigger.

"Um, I'm fine, you may go to class." she say while handing over a note. Her hand is shaking but I pretend not to notice. I turn casually, and walk out of class towards the science block.

I walk into science and up to my teacher, Aunty Anne, obviously she recognizes me, "Ma'leek baby, I was worried about you. How is Beca doing?" she asks quietly.

"He's still in a coma, I think. Well he was when I left yesterday afternoon, he'll wake up when he wants to. I just hope it's sometime soon." I say giving her a hug and moving away.

I listen to Aunty Anne call the roll, "Chase, Britney, Jason, Abby, Paige, Billy, Josh, Kim, Amy, Polly, Jed, Rion, Travis, Dylan . . .” The only people that actually know is Allie, Jason, Josh and Paige. Not that many people when you actually think about it.

I get my book out and try concentrating on reading about Bran. But as hard as I try, my eyes keep roaming the room and study people’s faces. For the first time I notice how many good looking people there are in my class.

Allie taps on my shoulder stealing my attention away from the class. "What?" I ask her patiently.

"What did Miss Dutch want? Did she come on to you?" Allie's eyes gleamed with the need of gossip. "Tell me, tell me, teeeell meeeee."

"She didn't come onto me, you Dick. She asked me if everything at home was okay. That's it. Oh then she said I could leave."

Allie's excitement dwindles. "Oh, well that's dumb, I wanted a good gossip.” She shrugs and goes back to reading. Wow, what an exciting life I have . . . not.

Five minutes later everyone was packing up for break. "Do you want to go sit outside today?" Allie and I had pre packed lunches so we didn't need to buy food from the cafeteria.

"Sure, I'll text Jacoba to meet us out there," she replies, grabbing her IPhone and texting Jacoba. "He said okay." she grins picking up her backpack and heading out the door. The bell rings and we are first out. We walk fast, I could feel my chest tightening, and the thought of being outside made me happy.

Once I get outside I start running, slipping my shoes off in the process. The grass feels great under my feet, between my toes. Once I start running, I can't stop, I won't stop. When I run I go into deep happiness, I enjoy running. Well that's the understatement of the century, I don't love anything else more in the world then exercise. Okay maybe I love one thing then I do exercise but right now I'm in denial.

I don't want to stop running, I want to run forever, but Allie stops me. "Why don't you try out for track? You're really fast, you would be great!" she see the look on my face, "Or not?"

"No, no, it's just I want to play basketball. But you're right I should try out for track, I am pretty fast." I stare at the ground in deep thought.

"Ooooh, you should work on some abs, had to put it out there."


Chapter 15 yay


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