Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Allies P.O.V

It has been two months since Ma’leek came back to school and it’s all started again. The girls flirting with him, trying to get his attention. But he’s too focused on training and working out to notice. He literally has massive groups of girls trailing after him wherever he goes in school.

Ma’leek goes to see Beca every day after school before training. He made it into basketball and track, he has become the most committed player. You’d think his grades would be going down with all his training but they have actually gone up.

When Ma’leek’s not working out or with Beca, he’s studying. When he goes to see Beca he talks about his day or what interesting gossip he has heard. And when he’s not doing that he’s crying. Ma’leek still hasn’t cried himself out. He doesn’t let me or Jake go with him, it’s not that he’s ashamed of crying it’s the fact that he wants to be alone with Beca.

Beca has made no improvement obviously, he still lays in the same hospital room in a deep sleep. He looks peaceful, it’s like he doesn’t want to wake up. I’m actually at his bed side now, I’m the one who is struggling to leave at the moment. I keep thinking if I leave, he might wake up or even die. But of course his breathing is as steady as his heartbeat.

“Okay, I gotta leave, mom wants me home.” I struggle to figure out who say this, then I remember Jake had come earlier this afternoon, but her presents went unnoticed as I stared at Beca while holding his hand in mine.

“Okay babe, see you tomorrow at school.” I sigh pulling her to me and kissing her. She kissed me back, her eyes full of need, desire and something else I can’t place. I close my eyes, not wanting to stare into her intense blue eyes any longer.

“Bye babe.” She whispers before leaving. My heart clenches when I realise I am alone in a room with an unconscious person. This is when I figure out what Ma’leek does, there is no use in me being here but I don’t leave. No that’s too easy, of course it is. I start crying. I haven’t cried since the day Ma’leek came back to me. But I’ve lost him again. He’s trying so hard at other things in order to try stop the pain, the feeling of his heart being slowly crushed because he can’t tell Beca how he feels. No one but Beca can help Ma’leek now, he’s forgotten who he is and what he loves. It must really hurt to see your one true love lying dead still in a hospital bed.

I start to break down even more now I have figured out how Ma’leek is feeling. Curling up into the fetal position on the floor, I sob into my knees. It feels like I lay here for hours until I am picked up and put in one of the green hospital chairs next to Beca’s bed. I look up to see Ma’leek, of course it’s him, who else would it be? “Allie are you okay?” he asks me.

A shake my head and mumble a no into my knees. Should I tell him what’s wrong? Or just let him be happy? I lift my head and say; “No,” this time he understands me and his face turns into one of shock.

“Wh-wh-what’s wrong Allie? Is it something to do with Jacoba?” his voice is stained and distant, “she hasn’t hurt you has she?” I smile at his concern. Jacoba understands that this is only my second serious relationship and gets that I want to take things slow.

“No, not Jake, you actually. I want you to tell me what’s wrong. How are you dealing with this so easily? You must be hurting.”


Here is chapter 16

Hope you enjoyed it

I know it was a little sad

Warning the next chapter is worse






Dakota_Shy :)

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