Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Allie's P.O.V

My jaw practically drops when I see Ma'leek devour a whole chicken filled roll and then go on to eat three muffins. It's the first time I've seen him eat in ages. And then he still isn't done, he drinks a whole bottle of water and then eats a cheeseburger.

"Well that was filling, I had forgotten how good food tastes. I just hope it stays down." he laughs. Ma'leek never laughs and now he's smiling, like genuinely smiling, like a normal person. He's no normal person, but I do have to say he looks hot when he smiles.

"Ma'leek is there something wrong, I gotta say I'm a little worried." Jake nods in agreement.

"Everything is perfect, apart from Beca been a coma and that my father is a total ass wipe. Apart from that my life is pretty good." he grins and shrugs his shoulders. It's going to take a while to get use to this.

"What happened while you were, you know, spaced out?" I ask him, I am seriously concerned about him.

"I had a little chat with myself. I figured out that my life isn't that bad, like ya know I'm going to eat like normal people and I'm not going to cut myself anymore." Wow, he's changed and in only six days, "Hey what time is it?" he asks.

“Uh about twelve thirty.” I answer.                        

He looks around the room. “So I stayed here over night?”

“Ma’leek it’s Tuesday, you've been out of it for six day. Six days." my voice cracks highs as I speak, "I was worried you wouldn't come back, ever." I sob.

“Wow six days, it felt like only hours. Oh and there's a stack of books, I guess I should go to school tomorrow, since I'm no use here. That won't do any good for anyone. At least I can focus on school if I'm actually there." he hums.

"What if Beca wakes up?" Jake asks Ma'leek.

"I will be here when he wakes up, I will. I'll come see him every day till then, but fight now I need a shower, I stink." well least he hasn't given up on showers. "I haven't showered in eight days, yup that's disgusting." he smirk and stands up.

"So you're leaving now?" Jake asks.

"Yup, gonna walk home, I'm sure mom will be happy to see her son." he kisses Beca on the forehead and leaves.

Jake and I stare at each other in shock. "Did Ma'leek just seriously leave? His Best friend is in a coma and he just leaves, who does that?" I gasps.

"I'm more shocked that he ate so much and then kissed Beca's forehead. Is he gay?"

"Na, he's just bi. And I think he loves Beca. Ehh, nothing new." Jake gives me weird look so I explain, "Well Beca has loved Ma'leek for years. Ma'leek didn't like guys then but they became friends. Beca got jealous when girls flirted with Ma'leek and he flirted back. But Ma'leek has never been in a relationship, I think secretly Ma'leek has always liked Beca." I sigh after it all comes out.

"When did Ma'leek tell you he was bi?"

"Last year."

"Well for someone who has never been in a relationship, he's a really good kisser." Jake squeaks out before she realizes what she was saying.

"How do you know he's a good kisser?" I ask her.

"Well before I meet you, we kinda hung out and kissed." you know what, I'm not even mad.


Yay finished this chapter, wow stinky Ma'leek eats a lot.

Dakota_Shy :3

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