Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ma'leek's P.O.V

Beca drives, Allie sits in the passenger seat singing as loud as she can to Avril Lavigne. And I sit in the back, silent. I am thinking about how I kissed Beca before, and how it took him awhile to kiss me back.

I traced my lips with my fingers, remembering how my body tingled. Maybe it was just a once off, I should just forget it.

"We're here!!" Allie yells, "Omg, we're here!!" she jumps out and starts running around the car. I am a little embarrassed but I get out of anyway.

Beca is trying to catch Allie, he is failing. "Allie, stop running, you have all night to waste your energy on the dance floor!" he yells, she slows down and stops next to me.

"Ya, you’re right, I do." Allie walks up to the security guard and pushes talk then loud speaker on her phone, "Hey Uncle D!"

"Hello Allie." a deep voice greets Allie.

"Can you come let us in?"

"Sure hun."

We were left waiting for about two minutes before the door opened and Allie's Uncle D motions for us to come in. "The V.I.P's are here, start letting them in," he then turns to us, "Hey Ma'leek, Beca how you two doing?"

"Yip pretty good," Beca answers, I just smiled and nodded.

"Anyways, here are your V.I.P passes, show them at the bar and you get drinks for free. Cool, have fun! Don't get too wasted." he turns and leaves.

People are streaming through the doors now and the club is starting to fill up. "We should get something to drink." Beca suggests and we head towards the bar. Allie flashes her V.I.P card and we are attended to immediately.

"Anything with vodka please, for me and my two mates here." the bartender nods and starts making our drinks. Allie leans into us and whispers, "Wow, that was easy!"

"Have a good night ma'am." the bartender says as he hands over our drinks. Beca tucks a tip in the bartender's pocket.

We follow Allie over to a table. More people have come in and the DJ has started to play music. I have to admit the music is good. "Come on let's dance," Allie yells over the music. Beca and I nodded.

We move on to the dance floor, Allie holds our hands and we all dance. It is fun, then I see a familiar head moving in our direction. It’s Jacoba. "Hey Ma'leek, who is your cute friend?" she asks motioning to Allie.

"This is Allie." I introduce Allie to Jacoba rolling my eyes.

"Hello Allie, I'm Jacoba," she introduced herself, she speaks formally.

"Allie's taken Jacoba," I comment.

"Oh, yeah! That's what I was going to tell you guys. I broke up with Alex today! Silly me I almost forgot to tell you." Allie grins. "I figured out that he's an asshole, yup, yup!"

"Anyways, Jacoba is new at school, I meet her at school today." I explain.

"I like your hair Jacoba, it's the opposite of mine!" Allie gushes. Allis hair is electric blue with black streaks and Jacoba’s is black with electric blue streaks. "Your eyes are so cool!"

"You wanna dance?" Jacoba asked Allie, she nodded and they moved away. Beca and I were left alone. Great.

I took a sip of my drink, then a bigger one and started to dance. Beca joined me, we were soon surrounded by girls. Yay....not, but I am grinding against Beca and it feels so right.


Yay, chapter 5, what's gonna happen next chapter? I already know but you have to wait till tomorrow.....hahahahaha!!!!!!! Who do you think Ma'leek will end up with? Who do you want him to end up with?

I just love this book, I can't wait till its over.

Dakota_Shy :3

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