Chapter 22

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 I really need your help. Do you want a smut scene or would it ruin this story? Some people are probably hanging out for Meca sex but others might not want it. Thoughts please. :3


 Chapter 22

 Beca’s P.O.V

 I feel something wet and warm on my nose, I try to wipe it off and turn over but it is like I am being pinned down to the bed, by something heavy, something human size. I ease my eyes open slowly to see a cute face, fast asleep and dribbling. Yes Ma’leek is dribbling on my nose, so cute. That’s when I realise his practically naked body is pressed up to my practically naked body. I may or may not have a slight problem in my pants right now and it may or may not be pressing into his leg. And Ma’leek being so close to me is making my body shiver, butterflies do backflips in my stomach and my mind going everywhere, EVERYWHERE.

 I run my fingers down his spine. For some reason this calms me. His muscles are larger than they used to be. I got to admit I was strongly attracted to him when he was emo but now my feelings are stronger than before, like a lot I mean have you seen his abs, they’re amazing. I just want to touch them, I know I have abs but his are better than mine and his are his. Man I must sound like so much of a stalker.

 I am running my fingertips down his spine when he starts to stir and wake up. He looks up at me and I stop moving my hand, “Well I wouldn’t waking up like that every day, it’s a nice way to wake up,” fuck, his morning voice. It’s so deep and rough. He gives me a soft peck on the lips before getting up and stretching his muscles. I think a dreamy sigh leaves my lips because Ma’leek stares at me amused. “What are you sighing dreamingly at?” he smirks.

 “You.” I grin as I stand up and walk towards him.

 That’s when Allie walks in, “Keep it PG guys.”

 “How about you put some clothes on,” Ma’leek retorts, pulling me into his chest. His naked, toned chest. My hearts pounding and my cheeks are going red.

 “How ‘bout everyone shut up, some people aren’t morning people,” Jacoba snaps as she sit up, rubbing her head. “Why is everyone up so early anyways?”

 “We have school,” Allie beams. Jacoba groans and slumps down on his bed. Jacoba hates school and everyone knows it. “Come on babe, get up.” Allie skips over to her and starts tickling her.

 “Okay, okay, I’ll get up if you stop tickling me,” she laughs and grunts at the same time.

 “Promise?” she asks.

 “Promise.” Jacoba replies.

 “Now get up.” She snaps, pulling Jacoba out of their bed by her arm. “Man you are heavy.”

 “Come on Beca, let’s go get some breakfast, I’m starving.” Ma’leek grabs my hand and rubs his stomach. The food smells good. We are having porridge for breakfast skilfully cooked by Ma’leek. “So, school today.”

 “Yup, and I only got out of hospital yesterday. I’m the toughest person on earth.” I chuckle. “Oh man, it feels like forever since I ate something good.”

 “Okay, I’m up.” Jacoba says as he sits down next to me. “Is she normally that persistent?”

 “Yup.” I answer popping the ‘p’.

 “Every second of every day.” Ma’leek adds, “Try living with her.”

 “Nah, not yet anyways. I’m going home tonight, mom wants me home. Something to do with my cousin.” Jacoba sighs.

 “Babe, have you eaten?” Allie asks as she walks down the stars.

 “About to.” She replies as Ma’leek hands her a bowl of porridge.

 “Ma’leek have you eaten?” she questions.

 “Yup, done my dishes already,” Ma’leek grins. She nods at him and starts talking to Jacoba.

 “I have basketball practise after school today,” Ma’leek sighs, “and track at lunch.”

 “Well I’ll come and watch you then. Pretty sure I won’t get bored if you don’t wear a shirt.” I smirk poking his hard stomach.

 “Oi, stop it. Feel you own abs.” Ma’leek whines.

 “Why yours are so much better than mine. Two reasons. One, they’re yours and two, they’re on your body. And personally, I like guys who have abs.”


Remember thoughts on the smut.

Dakota_Shy :3

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