Chapter 19

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 Chapter 19

 Ma’leek’s P.O.V

I burst out laughing when I see Beca’s reaction. His jaw dropped and his eyes went wide just because I ate a cookie.

“Y-yo-u a-t-e cook-ie.” He stutters. I laugh even more.

When I finally calm down I say, “I’ve eaten many cookies, they are the best, but mud cake is better!” if his jaw could drop anymore it would. “You looked shocked, would you care to explain?” I smirk.

“You ate a cookie and it hasn’t made a reappearance.” He answers.

“Everything I eat makes a reappearance, just not the end you mean. Anyways can we not talk about my food reappearing, it’s kinda gross.” I say.

“So I’ve been in here for over two months,” I nod, “what have you been up to?” he asks.

“Well at first I sat there,” I point at a chair, “for six days straight. Then I realised that I actually need to go to school if want to pass this year.” I pause for a moment but when I am about to start again Beca interrupts me.

“When did you stop being . . . emo and start eating?” he asks.

“The day I left. I came back every day. Anyways I went to school on the Wednesday and nobody recognised me. I started training, I’m on the basketball and track team. I also got these.” I smirk lifting up my shirt and show him my abs. His jaw drops again and he almost starts drooling. “Dude, I know I’m hot but damn stop drooling over my body.”

“Sorry man, you’re just . . . –” he starts.

“Hot, sexy, damn fine. Pick one, I’m all of those. Bask in my damn fine, sexy hotness.” I chuckle.

“I was going to say different . . . but that works too.” He grins. His grins are contagious because I start grinning too.

“But is that different good or different bad?” I ask seriously.

“Emo guys are hot,” he pauses to see my reaction, “but dude I’d date dat ass.” He says motioning to all of me. My face spreads into the biggest smile my face has ever shown. “So . . . different good.

I sigh in relief and move into a more relaxing position. “Whew, I thought you were going to say different bad. That would have been a nightmare. I don’t think I’d–”

“Ma’leek come here, you’ve got something on your face . . .” I stand up and move towards Beca. His hand goes up to my face then slides to the back of my neck. His hand brings my face down to his, then further in so our lips are touching. He kisses me with passion, and need. And I kiss him back just the same. He slowly pulls back, “I got it!” he smirks.

“Got what?” I ask confused.

“My favourite adorable grin.” Beca coos. I go bright red. “Oh, come on. It’s true.” He moves over a bit and pats the spot next to him, “I don’t bite hard.”

I curl up next to Beca, give him a quick peek on the cheek before closing my eyes. I am just about asleep when Beca’s hand slides up my top and traces my abdominal muscles. I fall into a peaceful sleep with a slight grin plastered on my face.

I don’t dream, I just wake up the next morning feeling more refreshed than ever. I look down at the arms wrapped around me, they are small and skinny. They aren’t Beca’s big strong ones, more like Allie’s . . . ? Glancing over my shoulder I see Beca’s arms wrapped around Allie and Allie’s arms wrapped around me.







So five chapters left. I think there should be more, its not a good end, what do you think? This involves commenting or I will just leave it with a shitty end.

Dakota_Shy :3

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