Chapter 18

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I finished my History interunal and thought I would celebrate by updating......again.

Antways another thing to celebrate about is Ma'leek's confession.

He loves Beca :) now its official because he told Allie......




















Chapter 18


Beca’s P.O.V

“I . . . love . . . Beca . . . so . . . much . . . it . . . hurts.” I hear someone say, it takes me a few minutes to work out who had said it. My heart beats faster and my cheeks grow red, it is Ma’leek.

The sound of two people rushes to my side. I open my eyes slowly. It takes a moment of two for my eyes to adjust to the light. “Beca!” Allie jumps with joy, “you’re awake, finally awake.”

“Beca,” the guy standing next to her breathes. Is it Ma’leek? It is.

“Ma-” I try to talk but my throat is dry and it hurts. I try get some water but my arm only moves the tiniest bit. My body is stiff, so I guess I’ve been lying here for a while. Here. Where exactly is here?

I scan the room. Clean, white, huge window. I’m in hospital. The car, I was hit by the car. “Car,” I swallow, “hit by car.” Allie sees I’m struggling so she helps me drink water. I clear my throat, “That’s better, who hit me?” I question.

“Miss Dutch.” Ma’leek answers slowly. He is watching for my reaction. There isn’t one. “I’ll go tell them you’re awake.” He nods leaving the room.

I slowly get movement back. First my fingers and toes then my arms and legs. The doctor asks me a bunch of unnecessary questions like: do you know where you are? Why are you here? What is the date?

Pointless questions, and pointless answers. Yes, no, to get to the other side, 3.141592654. The doctor isn’t very impressed with my answers so I answer properly. “I’m in hospital because I got hit by a car, and no I don’t know what the date is, I’ve been in a fucking coma.”

Ma’leek hasn’t been back since he went to get the doctor, but I’ve seen him pass the door. Damn heart monitor, if it didn’t fucking beep, I could have listened into Ma’leek and Allie’s conversation but no, my heart had to beat faster and the heart monitor had to do them same. Arrrgh. Ma’leek said he loves me.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. I forgot I am still attached to that damn thing.

“Mr Guise, you will make a full recovery and be back playing football in a few months.” The doctor explains.

“So when can I leave doc?” I question.

“In a few days.” He says then quietly leaves. The nurse unhooks me from the heart monitor and leaves too.

Allie gives me a quick hug and curls up on the end of my bed and falls asleep within minutes. I take some time to study her. Her eyes have big black them and it looks like she hasn’t changed in days. Her hair is messy and oily. I think she hasn’t left my side in days.

Ma’leek comes in and sits down in the chair next to my bed. “I rung your parents, your dad is still away on business and you mom is looking after you little sisters. They didn’t come to see you the whole time you were in a coma. They said they’ll see you soon.” Ma’leek’s eyes are cast to the ground.

Ma’leek looks different with his new clothing style and his new haircut and colour. There is more muscle in his arm then there used to be and he is definitely not as white as he used to be. He dark brown eyes are filled with sorrow and something else I’ve never seen within them. I think I like this new Ma’leek. “Dad is working and mom is looking after her new born twins, I can’t blame them for not coming.” I make an excuse for them, my parents, yet they don’t deserve it. “How long have I been in this hell hole?”

Ma’leek looks up, straight into my eyes, “Over two months.” Looking away again he grabs a cookie and chucks it into his mouth, making loud crunching noises. My jaw drops.


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Love ya awesome nerds form the lonely

Very lonely

Dakota_Shy :3


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