Chapter 9: Too Many Bottles of Beer

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“Have you heard from Edana lately?”

“I was going to ask you the same thing.”

“Have you spoken to her mom?”

“Yeah, fat lot of help it did me too.  ‘She’s probably off with a bunch of her delinquent friends’.”

“She’s never been missing for this long before.”

“I realise that.”

“No need to get snappy, you’re not the only one who’s worried about her.”

“I wasn’t being snappy, I’m just frustrated.  Have you tried her cell?”

“Obviously, it goes straight to voicemail.”

“I was hoping maybe you could get her to answer her phone.”

“It’s not about her not answering; it’s about her phone being off.”

“Or out of range.”

“Don’t say things like that.”

“You’re right, sorry. "

“How’s Trace?”

“She’s fine.  Worried about Ed though.”

“We all are.”

“Yeah, you heard from Greg?”

“He phoned yesterday, he can’t get a hold of her either.”

“Where do you think she’d have gone?”

“I don’t know, you’d think if something bad was going on she’d call you or at least go to Bonfire.”

“I know.  It’s so not like her.  You don’t think anyone could have taken her, do you?”

“No way!  She’s the best fighter around, there’s no way she would let herself be kidnapped!”

“But you know how reckless she can be.”

“Reckless maybe, but she’s not stupid.  She would never allow herself to be put into such a vulnerable position.”


“I’m so bored!”  Edana whined for the thousandth time.

“Sorry, Edana, but you Darren gave strict orders that you weren’t to leave the house while him and Christian are out,” Dantè replied wearily.

“Exactly!  He said not to leave the house!  He never said anything about not leaving this chair, now untie me!!”  She screamed.

Josh was sitting on the couch, rubbing his temples.  Edana and Dantè had been fighting for about an hour already and it was giving him a headache.  Darren and Christian had needed to go out for supplies and Darren had left orders to keep Edana at the house; Dantè, worried that she would disobey and fight them off if they tried to stop her, had taken the initiative of tying her to the chair to stop her from leaving.

Everyone had a very strong urge to untie her, but thankfully they could fight it off.  Unlike vampyres, Edana couldn’t control minds, just put suggestions in their head.  It would work well on humans, making them think that it was their own idea to do something, but they all knew what Edana was up to and could therefor fight it.

The first fifteen minutes had been spent with everyone in the house going deaf and blind while Edana screamed in their mind to let her go or she’ll keep them like that.  Eventually Philip pointed out that if they were all blind, they couldn’t untie her, so she resorted to just making everyone deaf.  That lasted another fifteen minutes until she realised they could just use their minds to talk to each other.  She then blocked everyone off from mental communication, but none of them seemed to mind that.  By the end of it she was mentally exhausted, which is what led to her and Dantè’s epic screaming match.

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