Ch 4 ~ The Sakura Tree

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Its pass midnight and I can't sleep.

Its now been two days since the little argument I had with Jimin. I seriously hate his attitude and then there was his friend Taehyung. He was nice and polite, if Jimin were like that he would have had many girls after him.

Tomorrow I'm going to go out with Taehyung. He will show me around the town. After so long me and Ken will be able to look around this town.

I got up from my futon. Maybe if I go for a little walk around here might help me. So I got out of my room and sneaked out of the resteraunt , so that ant Min-ha won't notice.

I'm now outside. The fresh air hit my face making me feel more better. I started walking around for bit. It was dark and I decided to follow the direction of the breeze. By the time I realised I was lost I discovered a big sakura tree right in front of me.

I had no idea how I got here and I'm totally lost. However the big sakura tree was amazingly beautiful. The sakura blossom lightened up the dark area. I started walking towards the tree. It was so huge. I sat under the tree , relaxing for a bit.

I could feel the change of breeze and it seemed like it would start to rain any moment. I looked up to see someone walking towards my direction. They also had a sword with them.

It seems like its a samurai. The closer the figure came the more I recognised the guy.

It was Jimin.

He was now standing right in front of me making me look up as I was sitting on the floor.

The sakura petals starting falling with the breezes. Jimin had a confused look on his face. I didn't know what to say to him.

Then it started raining heavy. This got Jimin out of his own thoughts. "What are you doing here? That even so late" he asked. "Err I have no idea" I said trying to think of an excuse. "You know a young lady such as you shouldn't be so careless walking around at night" He said as he started to look around. He sat down next to me.

I don't know why but my heart started racing really quickly. I'm not even doing exercise why am I feeling so hot.

"We will have to wait until the rain finishes" Jimin said whiles he was staring at the fallen sakura petals.

"Ya Jimin?" I asked. "Hmm what is it?" He replied. "Er can I ask you a question?" I wanted to know what Jimin was doing so late at night and why he came here.

"You just asked me" he replied as he brushed some of his hair back showing his forehead. Wow he is so gorgeous.
"I have another question but please don't get angry" I said continuing the conversation.

"Okay ask me then" Jimin said. He seemed more calm now . "what were you doing late at this hour and why did you come here?" I asked. I starred at his face and I could see a little smile on his face.

"I come here everyday at night, this is the only place where I feel safe and I feel calm"Jimin answered with a smile. That smile. My heart started beating really fast. Don't tell me I'm falling for a guy like him.

"What about you why were you here?" Jimin asked as he looked at my face. "I kind of got lost whiles having a little walk" I answered.I don't know why I started to feel nervous. This side of Jimin is making me feel really warm.

The rain kept getting heavier. "You need to get home before you get drenched here"Jimin said as he stood up. He gave me his hand to help me get up as well.I then asked "how are we going to get back anyways? ". Jimin pouted and started thinking.

He grabbed my hand and started running making me run forcefully as well. Jimin was smiling throughout the whole run.

We then reached my aunts house but both of us were drenched. We then tried sneaking in.

I walked in first and Jimin after me. I then whispered "ya you go home" to Jimin. Jimin then leaned in into my ear "its too far I will sleep here".

"ya what are you two up to?" We both looked up to see Aunt Min-ha with a candle light. Oh no we are done for.

-Time SKip brought to by Vs Alien ship-

Me and Jimin got scolded by Aunt Min-ha very badly. She started shouting at me more since I sneaked out without her permissions and on top of that I got lost and drenched.

I quickly washed myself and dried myself up. Jimin then did it after me. When he came out he had his usual annoyed face on.

I went back into my bedroom and joined Ken in the futon whiles Jimin went downstairs to sleep in the restaurant.

-End Of Chapter-

Park Jimin ~ Dead Leaves Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora