Ch 12 - Say Yes

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Jimins POV

Its past afternoon and here I am with Min yoongi hyung investigating some bodies we found near the river.

Yes dead bodies.
I don't even know how Yoongi hyung can check these bodies. They stink and look disgusting.

"Hmm, seems like they got pierced through these little stones" Yoongi turned around, whiles having a tiny well shaped stone sort of thing in his fingers.

I got close to see that he had pulled it out of the dead bodies, as it had some blood on it. I furrowed my eyebrows in disgust.

"Idiots, those are bullets" I hear Namjoon hyungs voice from behind me.

I turned around to see him walking towards us. I didn't even notice him appear here.

"What you doing out of the head quaters?" I asked, as Namjoon Hyung would always be stuck in the quaters completing paper work and that.

"Had a bit of free time, so I came to check on you two" he responded whiles he walked passed me and directly to the bodies.

He seemed so focused on the bodies. Yoongi Hyung squatted next to him. They started to discuss something.

Namjoon hyung then stood up and came directly towards me. He then whispered into my ear "Enemies have entered our area".

I gulped as I heard him say it. He casually then walked away.

Yoongi hyung then came to me and explained " Someone had used these new technology from Europe called pistols which use these tiny stone alike stuff to pierce through people bodies."

"Pistols?" I asked. Is that what the enemies have used. "Are pistols better than my kantanas? " I asked.

Yoongi hyung got into is thoughts, after I asked him that. Seems like he is trying to figure out the answer.

He then shrugged his shoulders, seems like he gave up.

After sorting the bodies out and all the paper work of the case we then went home in the evening.

When we reached the headquarters, I could see jungkook and seokjin hyung coming from their duties.

We all decided to eat dinner together today. Today was miso soup for dinner. Everyone was here, except of Hoseok hyung.

Right then he walked in. He seemed quiet upset. The usually happy hyung seemed to be unhappy now.

He sat at his place and sighed. We all looked at him. Seems like the rest also noticed something wrong with him.

"Guys I have something to tell you all." We all nodded, curious to find out what was wrong with him.

"I went to Aunt Min-has today" he started. Does this have something to do with Hina?.

" Her landlord is being a bastrad. Excuse my language but today he just went over the limit" he said. I just managed to gulp down the food in my mouth. We all focused on him.

"You mean that fatty?" Namjoon hyung said. And Hoseok hyung nodded.

"What did he do now?" Jungkook asked.

" he destroyed half of her shop and threatened her for money and if not he threatened to marry Hina" I dropped my wooden spoon.

Threatened to marry Hina?

" WHO? WHY?" I asked as I was getting angry.

I hit my fisted hands on the table. Everyone looked towards me now.

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