This Is The End

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Cheyenne's POV
"So Brantley, are you coming over tonight or not?" I ask him for what feels like the millionth time today. "My buddies want me to go to a bonfire tonight. If it's not too late I'll swing by after." Brantley says. "I'm telling you now that if you go out there and drink don't bother coming by and don't bother calling me tomorrow because I'm done." I say before hanging up the phone. I lay down on my bed and start crying. I don't understand why he thinks drinking is more important than me. I thought he loved me.

I wake up this morning and check my phone just like I do every morning. Just like I thought, nothing from Brantley. I've had enough of this. I can't handle the lies and broken promises anymore. I decide that I need to text Brantley and end things once and for all. "I can't do this anymore B. I'll get all of your things together and you can come pick it up. I love you but this has become too much for me." I hit send as tears start rolling down my face. I can't believe that this is the end.

Brantley's POV
I wake up this morning with a hang over. I hear my phone vibrate so I roll over and pick it up. I smile to myself when I see that it's a text from Cheyenne. My smile quickly fades as I read what she said. I can't believe that I've fucked this up. "I'll be there in an hour and I wanna talk." I reply back. I roll out of bed and make my way to the bathroom to take a shower. I keep thinking to myself and praying that I don't lose her. That girl is my best friend.

I pull up to Cheyenne's apartment and park the truck. I take a deep breath as I walk up the stairs and knock on her door. When she opens the door, I feel my heart shatter and I instantly feel like shit. "Can I come in baby girl?" She nods her head and wipes her tears. We go to the couch and sit down. Cheyenne sits on the far end of the couch away from me. "I'm sorry angel. You have to forgive me. I can't lose you." I tell her reaching for her hand that she quickly yanks away. "I'm so sick of this. You say you're sorry but you never change. No more of the lies and broken promises. I'm done and I think you need to leave."

As I grab my things and make my way down to the truck, I can already feel myself starting to spiral out of control. I get to the house that I'm sharing with my brother, Kolby, and throw my stuff down. I walk to the fridge and grab a beer. "Yo B, it's a little early to be drinking isn't it?" Kolby asks me when he sees me. "I lost her Kolby. I can't be without her." 

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