Olivia Is Here!

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Cheyenne's POV
I have never in my life felt this kind of pain. My mama and Mama Becky are trying to make me more comfortable, but nothing is working. "Where is Brantley?" I ask again hoping he is almost here. "He boarded the plane an hour ago. He should be in Atlanta any minute." Mama Becky tells me. A nurse comes in for the millionth time and checks me. "Well Miss Carter, you are at 8 centimeters. You're moving right along and will be able to push soon." She walks out and I grab my phone to call Brantley. "How ya doing Angel?" He asks as soon as he answers. "It hurts. Where are you baby? I'll be pushing you soon." I say starting to cry. "Baby girl, please don't cry. I just left the airport. I'll be there in 45 minutes." "Please hurry. I love you Brantley." "I love you too." After we hang up, all I can do is pray that he will make it.

It's been about 30 minutes since I got off the phone with Brantley. My contractions hit about every 60 seconds or so and each one gets more painful than the one before. I'm starting to regret my decision to do this naturally. Another contraction hits when I hear the door open. I open my eyes and see Brantley. "I told you that I wouldn't miss this." He says and I can't help but smile. He walks over and kisses me right as a nurse walks in. "Alright, 10 centimeters, I'll get the doctor and we will have this baby." She says with a smile and walks out. "I can't believe that in a few moments, we will have a daughter." I tell Brantley as I start to cry. "I know. I just can't wait."

Brantley's POV
She's here. Olivia Grace Gilbert has arrived and I'm in love with her. Cheyenne did amazing and is now sleeping while I sit next to her bed holding our daughter. I now have the two most perfect girls in the world. I can't believe that I almost missed this. Jeff sent me a text and said that I have to head back out in the morning but I can come home in a week and still have my original time off as planned. I'm not sure how Cheyenne will take it but unfortunately, this time, there is nothing I can do. "How's she doing daddy?" Cheyenne asks, breaking me from my thoughts. I look down and smile at the sleeping baby. "She's doing just perfect. You ready to hold her?" "Yeah, I'll take her."

After everyone came to visit and left to go home, I decide that now I have to talk to Cheyenne. "Baby girl, we need to talk." I say hesitantly. She looks up at me with a smile and that makes it even harder to tell her. "Jeff wants me back on the road tomorrow." "As much as I don't like it, I understand. Olivia came earlier than planned and you can't change the shows now. Plus, it's only for a week." She says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards her for a kiss. Cheyenne is literally the most understanding woman in the world. I can't wait to make her my wife in a few months.

Cheyenne's POV
Watching Brantley get ready to leave and saying goodbye to Olivia is breaking my heart. "I'll be back in a week. I love you both." Brantley says walking out the door. The doctor isn't letting me and Olivia go home until tomorrow so Mama Becky is here to keep me company. My mama and daddy will both be here after lunch as well. I finish feeding Olivia and she is sleeping on my chest. I grab my phone and snap a quick picture and send it to Brantley. "Your girls miss you already. We love you. Hurry home." I hit send and start talking to Mama Becky. My phone dings and I smile when I read what my sweet Brantley replied. "My beautiful girls. I love you both until the stars stop shining. I already miss y'all so much. I will be home as soon as I can. Please give Olivia lots of loves for me. I'll see you both in a week. Talk to you soon."

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