Wedding Plans and a Baby?

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Cheyenne's POV
I woke up this morning feeling like I was going to be sick. I stand up out of bed and go to the bathroom but end up running to the bathroom to throw up. I hear Brantley run in behind me and he grabs my hair and holds it back. He gets me a cool wet rag and I sit on the floor leaning against the wall. "What brought that on baby?" Brantley asks concerned and handing me the rag. "I don't know. I think that I'm going to lay back down for a bit. Will you lay with me?" I ask him with a pout. "You know I will baby girl." He says helping me up. I rinse my mouth out with mouthwash and walk back to the bed.

I wake up a couple hours feeling much better and in an empty bed. I get up and put on a pair of Brantley's sweats and walk downstairs. I find Brantley eating a bowl of cereal and playing on his phone at the kitchen island. I can't help but notice how sexy he looks sitting there shirtless in his sweats. He looks up from his phone and stretches his arm out for me. I walk over and sit in Brantley's lap and cuddle up to him. "How are you feeling baby?" He asks kissing my forehead. "Yeah, I'm good. I guess it was just something I ate." I tell him kissing his lips. I lean up and grab Brantley's spoon and take a bite of his cereal and then hop off his lap. "That's my cereal woman!" Brantley says with a laugh. "Love you babe." I say walking upstairs to shower.

Sophia flew in this morning to help me start planning the wedding. I'm so happy that she is here, I've missed her son much and need some girl time. "So, where's Brantley?" Sophia asks as we both turn on our laptops. "Him and his brother Kolby are helping their mama around the house today. They both will be here later." I tell her with a wink. Sophia has been single for awhile and I think that her and Kolby would hit it off. "So my period is a week late. I'm almost positive that I'm pregnant." I say suddenly and Sophia's jaw drops. "Well screw the wedding plans right now. Let's go get you a test!" She says excitedly.

Brantley's POV
Kolby and I have been helping Mama all morning. "Boys, lunch is ready." Mama calls from inside. We head inside to wash up so we can eat. I'm starving. "So have you and Cheyenne started wedding plans yet?" Mama asks as we start eating. "I'm letting her handle that. I'll help when and if she wants me to. Sophia is in town so I'm sure that is what they are doing right now." I tell her with a smile. "I'm pretty sure that she wants to get married soon though. She has baby fever." I continue with a laugh. "I can't wait to have grand babies." Mama says excitedly. Kolby and I finish lunch and help Mama clean up and then clean up our mess and head back to my house.

I walk in the house with Kolby and Sophia tells me that Cheyenne is upstairs and that I should go talk to her. I start getting nervous and the closer I get to the room the more nervous I get. I open the door and see Cheyenne sitting on the end of the bed. She looks up at me and has tears running down her face. I kneel down in front of her and wipe her tears. "I'm pregnant."

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