Baby #2?

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Cheyenne's POV
"Brantley, we need to talk." I say and a look of panic comes across his face. "What's going on Chey?" Brantley asks with a shaky voice. "I'm a few weeks late and I've taken a couple tests. I think I'm pregnant." I tell him and his eyes get wide. "Think? When can we find out for sure." "I made an appointment for next week. I wanted you to be home and able to go." I tell him unsure if he is happy or not. "Sounds good baby girl. I really hope that it's a boy. I don't know if I can handle another daughter." Brantley says laughing. I let out a sigh of relief and laugh with him. "Then you really will go to prison."

(A Few Days Later)
Tonight we are in Austin for the iHeart Music Festival. Brantley will be performing later this evening. Right now, we are sitting on the bus waiting on the results of another pregnancy test. At this point I'm 99% sure that I'm pregnant. "Chey, this one is positive too." Brantley says walking out of the bathroom as I'm slipping my shirt over my head. "I do believe that it's safe to say we are having a baby." I tell him with a smile. He smiles as he walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. He leans down and kisses me with all the passion he has in his body. "You ready to head in there. I hit the stage soon." "I'm ready when you are." He grabs my hand and we walk off the bus toward the stage.

Brantley's POV
I'm standing side stage waiting for Miranda to finish her set. I'm putting my eat monitors in when I feel arms wrap around me from behind. I turn around and I'm met by my gorgeous wife. "Go out there and kick ass baby. Then when you are done, we can go home to our princess." She says as she kisses me softly and leave me wanting more. I unwillingly unwrap my arms from around her and turn to walk onstage. The crowd gets louder as I bounce out on the stage and go straight into The Weekend. Song after song I'm giving it my all, but even so, my mind keeps on drifting to the thought that Cheyenne might be pregnant. I can't wait to find out.

(Back Home)
Cheyenne and I got home late last night. We have a doctor's appointment today to confirm that she is pregnant. Cheyenne is upstairs getting ready and I'm sitting on the front porch drinking my coffee. Mama should be here with Olivia any minute. It's been kind of hard not telling her that she may be getting another grand baby. "There's two of my favorite girls." I say as Mama is getting Olivia out of the car. "Yeah, yeah. I think someone is happy to see her daddy." Mama says as Olivia is reaching for me. "Daddy missed you too." I say kissing her cheek and taking her from Mama. "I'll let y'all get in with your day. I've got lots to do." Mama says hugging me then walking to her car.

Cheyenne's POV
We are sitting in the waiting room waiting to be called back. Olivia has fallen asleep on Brantley's chest and we've been making small talk. Brantley always feels awkward here so he stays pretty quiet. "Cheyenne Gilbert?" A nurse finally calls my name and we make our way back to the room. "You know the routine. The doctor will be in here soon." The nurse walks out and I change into my gown. I'm just sitting there holding Brantley's hand when the doctor walks in. After answering the routine questions, I lay down on the table and he starts the ultrasound. "Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, it looks like y'all were right. Congratulations, you're pregnant."

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