Olivia's First Birthday

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Cheyenne's POV
I can't believe that my sweet baby girl is turning one. I'm not sure I'm ready for this. I'm in the kitchen getting things set up for Olivia's party this afternoon. "Kolby and Sophia are on their way to help get things set up. You doin' ok?" Brantley asks walking into the kitchen. "Yeah baby I'm fine. I wasn't expecting on being this emotional today." I tell him as I hug him. "I bet I can put a smile on that beautiful face." He says picking me up and setting me on the counter. Brantley starts kissing my neck and I tilt my head to give him more access. "As much as I would love to do this right now, Olivia will be up from her nap any minute and Kolby and Sophia just pulled in." I say when I hear Kolby's truck. "We will finish this later." Brantley says as he sets me on my feet. "You bet we will outlaw."

Sophia and I have finally finished putting up the decorations. I have to admit that I went a little overboard. Everything looks amazing though. Everyone starts to show up and I'm setting presents on the gift table and watching Olivia as she's trying to grab all the balloons. "I'll take over here. You go and join the party." My mama says walking over to me. "Thanks Mama. Have you seen Brantley?" I ask. "He went upstairs a few minutes ago. I haven't seen him come back down." I nod my head and go to find my husband. I find him in our room sitting on our bed. "Brantley, what are you doing?" I ask walking over to him. "Nothing. I just needed a minute. I had to let it soak in that my sweet princess is one." Brantley says looking at me. "I know the feeling. I've been letting it soak in all day. What do you say we go downstairs and celebrate our princess?" He nods his head and leans over to kiss me before we head downstairs.

Brantley's POV
Cheyenne and I head downstairs and I'm instantly greeted by my little princess. I scoop her up and she gives me a slobbery open mouth kiss. "Thank you princess." I say laughing and wiping my mouth. It's almost time to start the cake and presents so Cheyenne is running around getting it set up. I hand Olivia over to Sophia and Kolby and make my way over to help my wife. When I get to her, she is leaned against the wall with her eyes closed. "You ok Chey?" I ask grabbing her hand. "I just got a little headed. I'll be fine." She says smiling. "Go sit down. I'll get Mama to help me." I tell her sternly. Mama comes over to help me get the cake out of the box. Everyone gathered around in the dining room and Sophia put Olivia in her high chair. We all start singing Happy Birthday and before we are done, Olivia takes a handful of cake and shoves it in her mouth.

After all the cake was gone and all the present were open, everybody left one by one. Cheyenne had gone upstairs to give Olivia a bath and put her to bed so I started cleaning up down here. I laid the decorations that I thought Cheyenne might want to keep on the dining room table. I start throwing cups and plates away when I hear footsteps on the stairs. "She crash?" I ask when I see Cheyenne. "Almost as soon as I laid her down. She had a busy day." She says as she finishes putting her hair in a bun. She ended up changing into one of my shirts and some pajama pants while she was upstairs. Cheyenne bent over to grab a plate off the coffee table and she kind of stumbled when she stood up. I walk over and put my arms around her. "Light headed again?" She simply nods and then looks up at me. "Brantley, we need to talk."

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