Going Home

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Brantley's POV
It's been a month and a half since our son was born. He was born 15 weeks early and has been in the hospital ever since. I've been driving back and forth from Jefferson to Nashville every week. My mama brings Olivia up here on weekends so we can spend time with her. Cheyenne has not gone home since Grayson was born. It has kind of put a strain on our relationship because we never have time to be together. I'm walking into the hospital carrying Grayson's car seat. We finally get to take him home. When I walk into the room, Cheyenne is just finishing getting Grayson dressed. "Y'all ready to go home?" I ask setting the car seat on the bed. "Yeah, we are. Did you get the nursery finished?" "Sure did. Everything is ready for little man. Mama is going to meet us at the house with Olivia." I tell her as she hands me the baby. I place him in the car seat and buckle him in. When I'm done, I turn and look at Cheyenne. "Hey, I know this last month has been tough and we've had a hard time. Starting now, I want us to get back to normal. I can't lose you Cheyenne." I say kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry Brantley. I know I've been difficult these last few weeks, but I promise, I'm not going anywhere. I love you so much." She says and then crashes her lips to mine. "Let's go home." I say as I pull away. I grab Grayson and Cheyenne grabs the bags and we make our way to the truck. I can't wait to be home with my little family. I thank God everyday that I got sober, because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have any of this.

Cheyenne's POV
On the way back to Georgia, I scoot over and sit next to Brantley. I love you Brantley." I say as I lay my head on his shoulder. "I love you too baby." He kisses my head and continues driving. An hour later, we are pulling into the driveway of our house. Mama Becky is sitting on the porch with Olivia, who I see get up and start running towards us. "Mama!" She shouts while running. I scoop her up into my arms and hug her and kiss her head. "Hi baby girl! Did you have fun with grandma?" Olivia nods her head before reaching for her daddy, who is walking up holding Grayson in his seat. Brantley sets Grayson down and takes Olivia from my arms. I walk back to the truck to grab the bags and Mama Becky comes and takes the baby inside. Kolby and Sophia are here to greet me when I walk in the door and I'm engulfed into a giant hug. "I'm glad y'all are home." Sophia says hugging me again. "Me too."

I'm sitting in bed feeding Grayson, while Brantley tucks Olivia in. Looking down at my son, and hearing my husband and daughter laughing in the other room, I can finally be content and happy. My family is complete. "What's on your mind baby?" Brantley asks as he walks in the room. "Did you ever think we would ever be here?" I ask him with a smile. "Honestly no. When you left back then, I thought I had lost you forever." He says sadly. "Brantley Keith, I love you with everything I have. I'm so glad that you and I chose to do this crazy life together. You have given me two of the most beautiful babies in the world. I hated walking away from you all those years ago, but it made you into the amazing man that you are today. Thank you for choosing to get sober. I love you." I tell him with tears streaming down my cheeks. Brantley kisses me before taking Grayson and putting him to bed. He comes back and crawls into bed and pulls me into his side. "I love you Cheyenne Nicole. And for you, I'm happy to be stone cold sober for the rest of my life."

The End

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