Telling Everyone

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Brantley's POV
"I'm pregnant." I hear Cheyenne say. I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the floor. I'm brought back to reality with the sounds of Cheyenne's sobs. "Why are you crying?" I ask as I pull her up off the bed and wrap her in my arms. "We aren't even close to getting married yet and we are having a baby. This is all backwards." She tells me through her tears. "Baby, everything will be fine. It may be backwards but I'm over the moon about this. Either way, I'm spending the rest of my life with you." I say kissing her nose. "I guess before I start freaking out, I should make a doctor's appointment to confirm I'm pregnant." Cheyenne says with a little laugh as she grabs her phone.

(2 Days Later)
I'm sitting in the waiting room with Cheyenne while we wait to be called back. Cheyenne keeps looking at me and laughing because it's pretty clear that I'm uncomfortable in this room full of pregnant women. I guess I better get used to it though. "Cheyenne Carter." We hear a nurse call. Cheyenne tenses up as we stand up and make our way. It helps to know that she's just as nervous as I am. The nurse leads us to a room and tells Cheyenne to change into the gown and she'd be back to do blood work. "No matter what we hear today, everything will work out." I promise Cheyenne and kiss her knuckles. The nurse finally comes back and does the blood work and then says the doctor will be in soon. Cheyenne and I both are getting impatient when the doctor finally walks in. "Well everything is coming back positive but I'm gonna do an ultrasound to find out how far along you are. I'll be back soon and congratulations."

Cheyenne's POV
Holy cow! I'm 8 weeks pregnant. Brantley and I are super excited and nervous. We know that it's too soon to tell anyone but we both agreed that we want everyone to know now so we can decide what we want to do about the wedding. On the way home from the doctor, I'm already making plans for a big barbecue and bonfire to tell our friends and family. "Will next Friday night work for you baby?" I ask Brantley as we pull into the driveway. "I'll double check my schedule but I think that'll work." He says hopping out of the truck to come and open my door. "I can't believe that we are going to be parents." I say excitedly kissing Brantley.

(1 Week Later)
It's Friday night and we finally get to tell everyone today. I've had a really hard time keeping it a secret. Brantley almost let it slip to Kolby a couple times but was able to stop himself. The only person that knows is Sophia and that's just because she was here when I found out. Speaking of Kolby and Sophia, they hit it off really well  and have been flirting and texting a lot. Anyway, I'm in the bathroom doing my hair and makeup and Brantley is standing in the doorway watching me. "Babe, why are you watching me?" I ask him with a laugh as I'm applying my mascara. "I'm just watching my beautiful girl get ready. Better get used to it because soon it will be me and the baby both watching you." He says coming up and kissing my cheek before walking off to change.

Finally, the party has started and everyone is here. We have all finished eating and we are all sitting around talking. "So, what brought up this random get together guys?" PJ, Brantley's head of security, asks. "Well since you asked, I guess now is a good time to tell everyone our news. Cheyenne will you do the honors?" Brantley asks turning to me with a smile. "Gladly. We brought you all here today because we have some exciting news." I start to say. I can already see the smile spreading across Sophia's face. "Brantley and I wanted to let you know that I'm pregnant." All of our guests stand up and cheer. Our parents are the first to come and give us hugs. "What are you gonna do about the wedding?" My mama asks. "We want the baby to be apart of it so we are gonna wait awhile." Brantley says. We all make our way out to the field to start the fire. I sit in Brantley's lap and he rests his hand on my still flat belly and continues talking to his friends. This is all I've ever wanted in life. It's finally perfect.

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