This Can't Be Happening

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Cheyenne's POV
We are in Nashville for the CMA Awards this weekend. Brantley has been running around from interview to interview today, while I'm at the hotel  picking a dress and getting my hair and makeup done. I'm trying on a dress and I get a really sharp pain in my stomach. I hunch over in pain right about the time Ashley, the stylist, walks in. "Oh my God! Are you ok Cheyenne?" She asks frantically. "I'm pretty sure that it's just false labor. Can you help me to the chair?" I ask her forcing a smile on my face. I get into the chair and call Brantley. "Baby, I know that you are busy and I hate bothering you." I say when he answers the phone. "Cheyenne, what's wrong?" Brantley says worriedly. He knows me well enough to know that I wouldn't call him unless I had to. "I'm having some sharp pains. I think it's false labor but something doesn't feel right." I try to say calmly so I don't start crying. "I just finished with this interview. I'm on my way baby. Try to see if you can find a doctor that will come to you ok?" "Ok, I love you." I tell him before he hangs up.

"Well Mrs. Gilbert, you are experiencing some Braxton Hicks. You are also a little dehydrated, which is why it hurts more than usual. You are free to continue with the weekend activities but take it easy and drink plenty of water." The doctor says before leaving our hotel room. Brantley and I both let out a sigh of relief. "We have to finish getting ready. We have to walk the carpet soon." Brantley says handing me a water and kissing my head. "All I have to do is put on my dress." I say as Ashley is walking over to me. After I get my dress on, Brantley walks out in his suit. "Hey there handsome. I believe we match." I say as I look at his jacket that matches my dress. Brantley kisses me softly and we make our way to the BMI's.

Brantley's POV
After the scare this afternoon with Cheyenne and the baby, I was hesitant to even let her go tonight. On the car ride over to the BMI's, I reach over and grab Cheyenne's hand. "Promise me if you start hurting or anything, that you'll let me know." "I promise. But I'm sure everything will be fine. I feel a lot better." She says with a smile. The car stops and PJ gets out to open our doors. I get out first and turn to look at PJ before helping Chey out of the car. "Help me watch her tonight." "With my life Boss." He says as he starts walking behind us. Cheyenne and I start walking the carpet and stopping for interviews. One of the first ones we get to is Bobby Bones. "Here comes Brantley Gilbert. What's going on?" He asks when we walk up. "Not much man. How about you? "Good, good. I see you brought your gorgeous wife. Brantley, you my friend, are a lucky man." Bobby says. "I think that same thing everyday. I have no idea what I would do without her. She is the reason I'm able to come to the BMI Awards. She has always been the inspiration for my song writing." I say to him while staring into Cheyenne's eyes. Bobby wraps up our interview and Cheyenne and I make our way inside.

Halfway through the awards, I notice Cheyenne starts moving around a lot. "You alright?" I whisper. She shakes her head quickly. "We need to go the hospital." She whispers. I can hear the panic in her voice and I instantly jump into action. I'm trying to get Cheyenne out of here without causing a scene but it's not working. A few other gentlemen help me get her out to where PJ is waiting. We get her in the car and haul ass to the hospital.

At the ER, they admitted Cheyenne almost instantly. Cheyenne is laying in the bed, hooked up to all kinds of machines. All of them monitor her vitals and the baby's activities. The doctor finally walks in and starts explaining what's going on. "You are showing signs of early labor. You are having contractions but you have not yet started to dilate. We are going to put a medication into your IV that will stop the contractions. It is completely safe but there is only a 75% chance that this will work. He says and Cheyenne starts crying. "What happens if it doesn't work?" I ask trying to hold back my own tears. "If it doesn't work, we will have no choice but to deliver the baby. Which means your baby would be almost 15 weeks premature. If it works, your wife will be on strict bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy." The doctor turns around and walks out. I climb into the bed next to Cheyenne, and we both cry and silently pray for our unborn son.

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