Can He Make It?

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Brantley's POV
The Devil Don't Sleep Tour is in full swing and we are having a blast. I hate that Cheyenne isn't here with me. She's too far along to travel. She is 8 months pregnant and her doctor says that Miss Olivia can make her appearance at anytime. Cheyenne says I'm "on call," and I better be prepared for her call. I really hope that she makes it to her due date so I will have my days off. I have a few minutes before sound check in Bossier City, so I get my phone and call Cheyenne. "Hey baby girl. Whatcha doin?" I ask when she answers the phone. "I'm getting my makeup done for my maternity shoot. I miss you." She says in her cute little voice that I can't even explain. "I miss you too baby. I bet you're going to look beautiful. Send me some of the shots." "I will baby don't worry." "Brantley sound check." Jeff says walking on the bus. I nod my head and Cheyenne and I exchange "I love yous" and hang up. I can't wait to get home to her.

Cheyenne's POV
After Brantley and I get off the phone, it's time for me to shoot. I'm in a pink dress with a fur wrap out in the middle of a cotton field. I love how this looks and I can't wait to send them to Brantley. We get several shots like this and then it's time for me to change for the next shot. I pick out a navy blue and white dress with a leather jacket. I'm in love with this look and the photos are turning out amazing. My feet are starting to hurt so I hope we finish soon. When we finally do finish, I take pictures of the shots I like and send them to Brantley.

I get home from the shoot and my mama and Mama Becky are at the house. Since I'm so close to my due date, they both insisted on staying with me just in case I went into labor. I'm not going to lie, it's been kind of nice. They helped finish the nursery and they are making sure the house stays clean. I walk in, and the house smells amazing. "What on earth are my two favorite ladies cooking? It smells so good." I state walking into the kitchen. "Well Miss Becky made cookies and I made chicken stuffed with broccoli and cheese." Mama says coming to hug me. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower then we can eat." I say smiling and making my way upstairs. While I'm in the shower and washing my hair, I get a sharp pain and then I feel a gush of water. "Mama! Get in here." I yell as loud as I can. It's not long before I hear them both in the bathroom. "My water broke!" "Ok sweetie, just stay calm ok. Becky, you call Brantley and I'll help her get dressed. Cheyenne, have you been having contractions long?" My mama asks. "I had little pains on and off all day, but they barely hurt and went away when I sat down." "Alright, well it's time to have this baby. Let's go." Mama says. I hope Brantley can make it.

Brantley's POV
I just finished my show and I'm walking off stage when Jeff comes running towards me with my phone. "It's your mom, sounds urgent." He says handing me my phone and walking off. "What's going on Mama?" I ask concerned. "Cheyenne's water broke. We are headed to the hospital. You need to get here." "Tell her I'm coming Mama. I'll be there as soon as I can." I quickly hang up and find Jeff. "I need a plane to Atlanta and a car waiting to take me to Jefferson. Cheyenne is having the baby." I tell him and he immediately gets on the phone. A few minutes later we are headed to the airport and off to Atlanta. I hope I make it.

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