Boy Oh Boy

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Brantley's POV
I wake up this morning to Cheyenne running to the bathroom. This time around, she has been sick the whole time. I walk into the bathroom and hold her hair back as she throws up again. "Are you going to feel up to the party today?" I ask her when she finishes. "Yeah, I have to. I can't wait any longer to find out. It's already driving me crazy." Cheyenne says with a laugh. "I have to start getting ready. Sophia and our mamas will be here soon to start decorating." "Ok, I'm going to start setting up everything in the back." I say kissing her temple while she brushes her teeth.

I'm in the backyard getting my AR-15 set up for the big reveal when Kolby walks out. "Let's hope for a boy bro. I don't think we can handle another girl in the family." He says with a laugh and I can't help but laugh right along with him. "You got that right brother." Kolby helps me finish in the backyard before we head inside to help the ladies.

Cheyenne's POV
The party has begun and I'm already anxious to find out what we are having. People Magazine is here to capture everything so we can share it with BGNation. Brantley hasn't left my side since everyone arrived. He wants to make sure that he is right there with me if I start getting sick. Brantley is talking to Jason while I'm standing next to him talking to Brittany, who is also pregnant. They are having a baby boy and you can tell how excited they both are. I've been praying for a boy. It would be amazing to watch Brantley with a son. I'll be happy either way though, as long as it's healthy. "Alright, I think we made the parents wait long enough. Let's head outside and see if we have a he or she." Sophia says and everyone heads to the backyard.

Brantley is sitting behind his gun and I'm standing directly behind him. Everyone else is kind of keeping their distance to take pictures. The photographer for the magazine is taking pictures of everything. "Brantley, we are ready when you are!" Mama Becky yells from behind us. We all laugh and Brantley gets himself situated. I stand directly behind him with my fingers in my ears. I hear Brantley count down from three and I prepare for the loud pop. Before I know it, I see a big blue smoke cloud in the direction Brantley was aiming. "It's a boy!" I yell excitedly. I look down at my husband and he's crying happy tears. I place myself in his lap and he wraps his arms around me. "You ok baby?" I ask him putting my hands on his face. "There is something about the idea of a little guy. He better get ready for a whole lot of love." He says as I wipe his tears. "My son." He whispers before kissing me and putting his hand on my belly.

Brantley's POV
I saw that blue cloud go up and I instantly started crying. The thought of having a son makes me happy. God bless Cheyenne if he turns out a little hell raiser like me. After the party cleared out and Olivia was sleeping soundly, Cheyenne and I cuddle up on the couch. "I guess it's time to pick out our son's name." She tells me as she leans up and kisses me. "Grayson." I simply reply returning the kiss. "Grayson James Gilbert." Cheyenne says adding the middle name. "Cheyenne, Olivia, and Grayson. My perfect little family."

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