Dress Shopping

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Cheyenne's POV
Today my mama, Mama Becky, Brittany, Caroline and myself are going dress shopping. I have no idea what I want in a dress so I'm gonna try everything. Brantley is doing his last show for this leg of the tour at the Georgia Bulldog Stadium so he will be home really late tonight. He will be able to be home until after the honeymoon. Our wedding is two months away and I'm starting to get stressed. I still have so much to do. "Cheyenne are you ready?" My mama ask walking in the house. "Yeah. I'm just getting Olivia strapped in." I grab Olivia's car seat and diaper bag and make my way to Mama's car. "We have to swing by and get Miss Becky and then we will head to the dress shop." Mama says as we turn down Mama Becky's street.

We get to the dress shop and Brittany and Caroline are already here waiting. I give them both hugs and Caroline grabs Olivia and we head inside. We are all scanning racks when a lady walks up to us. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth. How can I help you today?" "Yes, I'm Cheyenne, we spoke on the phone. I'm here to pick out my wedding dress. I must warn you though, I have no idea what I want." I tell her laughing. "Y'all feel free to look and then we can start trying them on." She says with a smile as she starts walking away. Of course, our mamas are picking out the poofiest dresses they can find, Brittany and Caroline are looking at mermaid dresses. I find one that I love and we all get ready for me to try them on. I try on my mama's pick first and walk out to show them. "What do you think baby?" My mama asks. "Don't get me wrong, it's gorgeous. I think it's too much for me. I want something a little more simple." I say before turning around and going to try on the next one.

Two hours later, I'm finally trying on the last dress. The one I picked to try on. I hope this is the one because this is stressful. Elizabeth helps me into the dress and then adds the veil. "This is it. This is my dress." I say with a smile. "Are you ready to show the ladies?" Elizabeth asks. I simply nod my head and she opens the door as I walk out. All 4 of them put their hands over their mouths. "What do you say Chey? Is this your dress?" Brittany asks. "I'm saying yes to the dress."

Brantley's POV
I've just finished soundcheck and I'm walking back to the bus when my phone starts ringing. "Hey baby. How are ya?" I say answering the phone once I see it's Chey. "I'm better now that I'm home and relaxing on the porch with our daughter." She says with a sigh. "What's wrong babe?" "We went and got my dress today and all the girls were picking out things that they knew wasn't my style. I just got overwhelmed and I'm glad it's over." She laughs a little and I smile. "I'll be home tonight baby and we can do the rest together. This is our wedding and it will be epic." "I can't wait for you to get home. I'll let you go and get ready for your show. I'll see you in a few hours." In about 5 hours, I'll at home with my wife(soon to be) and daughter and I can't wait.

It's 1am and I just got home. I got everything off the bus and set it in the garage. I'll deal with it tomorrow. I walk into the house and everything is dark so I make my way upstairs. I quietly walk into the nursery and check on Olivia, who is sound asleep, and then make my way to the bedroom. I see Cheyenne sleeping soundly, and every now and then, she lets out a quiet snore. I undress and crawl in bed next to her and pull her to me. "You're home." She says in a whisper and lightly kisses my neck. "Yeah baby. I'm home. I've missed you." I whisper and kiss her lips before quickly falling asleep.

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