I've Missed You

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Brantley's POV
Cheyenne pulls away from the kiss and I'm speechless. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." She says turning to walk away. I quickly grab her hand and turn her back towards me. "I've been thinking about this moment for a long time. I've missed you Cheyenne." I say kissing her again. "I'm just gonna leave you two to talk. I'll be in the car." Cheyenne's friend, Sophia, says walking out. I decide to take Cheyenne back to my bus to talk so I grab her hand and lead the way.

"Brantley, before you say anything. I just wanna say that I'm sorry. I hate myself for ever leaving you. I love you." Cheyenne says as soon as I close the door to the bus. "I forgave you along time ago. I don't blame you at all for leaving. I wasn't the best boyfriend and was an asshole. I love you too. Are you willing to give me another chance?" "I'll tell Sophia to head home. We have a lot to talk about." She says calling Sophia.

Cheyenne's POV
"Hey Soph. You can go ahead and head home, I'm gonna talk to Brantley for awhile." I tell Sophia when she answers the phone. After reassuring her that I would be fine, we hang up. Brantley says he is going to take a shower and he brings me a shirt to change into. As I'm sitting on the couch waiting for him to get out of the shower, my mind starts running wild. What if things don't work out how I want or what if he has a girlfriend? I tell myself to get up and walk out but before I can, Brantley walks in the room. He sees the worried look on my face and walks over to me. "Hey, what's on your mind?" He asks as he sits down next to me. "Brantley, what are we doing? I mean for all I know, you could have a girlfriend or a wife. I love you and I would be with you in a heartbeat..." Before I can finish, Brantley kisses me to stop me from rambling. "Chey, I love you too. I never stopped. I don't have a girlfriend, much less a wife. I tried dating but I couldn't. Let's give this another shot. We can take things slow. What do you say?"

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