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Brantley's POV
I've been back on the road for a couple weeks and I'm already going crazy. I hate being away from my girls. Saying goodbye to Olivia was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. Cheyenne didn't help matters when she started crying either. I'm sitting on my bus trying to write as we are driving to Orange Beach, Alabama. I've been trying to talk Cheyenne into coming to the show but she keeps saying she can't. I never thought I could miss two people so much. I try to keep focused on my writing, but I give up and decide to take a nap instead.

Cheyenne's POV
"Mama Becky, are you sure that you don't wanna come? Brantley would love to see you?" I ask her again as she helps me pack mine and Olivia's bag so I don't forget anything. "Yes honey I'm sure. You go and let him enjoy his time with y'all. Plus I don't need to be around for all that dirty shenanigans stuff." She says laughing. I shake my head and laugh with her as I finish packing. Mama Becky leaves after we are done packing so I decide to FaceTime Brantley. "Hey baby girl." He says answering the phone with a smile. "There's my handsome man." I say with a big smile. I'm so excited to surprise him tomorrow that I almost want to tell him I'm coming. "How's Olivia?" "She's good. She is sleeping for the time being. She's been a little fussy today." "I miss you both. I can't wait to come home." Brantley says with a sad smile. "Just a couple more months and then you'll be home until after the honeymoon." Little does he know that he will be seeing us sooner than he thinks.

It's 6am and I'm loading up my Tahoe and getting ready to make the 6 hour drive to Brantley. I'm probably crazy for making this drive with a newborn, but since Brantley doesn't have anything for her, I have to take it all. I have plenty of bottles made and I just put a clean diaper on her so she should sleep for a couple hours. After getting Olivia's car seat snapped in, I jump in my seat, turn on Brantley's CD and start the long drive. If everything goes as planned, I should be in Orange Beach by lunch time.

Brantley's POV
Me and the boys are sitting outside goofing off after sound check. PJ went to pick up some lunch since we were all complaining about being hungry. "So man, when do we finally get to meet Olivia? I bet she already has you wrapped around her finger." My guitar player, John, asks. "She definitely has me wrapped around her finger. I'm not sure when y'all will be able to meet her. Cheyenne doesn't want her out in all this craziness yet." A few minutes pass when PJ pulls in with food. As we pass out the food and start eating, all of us turn when we hear someone pulling up. I almost drop my food when I realize that it's Cheyenne. I run over and jerk her door open as soon as she turns the key off. "Oh my God! Baby what are you doing here?" I ask Cheyenne as I kiss her. "I wanted to see my man." She says fisting my shirt and kissing me. "Where is Olivia?" "She's in the backseat. She wanted to see her daddy too." I smile and run around the Tahoe to grab the car seat.

All afternoon, the boys passed Olivia around and made fun of me holding her with her pink blanket. They said it took away my bad boy image. I just finished my show and I'm heading back to the bus to see my girls. I get right outside the door when I hear Cheyenne. "Aw, Olivia. You spit up all over Mama." She says with a laugh. I open the door and I instantly start laughing. Cheyenne has spit up all down the front of her shirt. I get my phone out and snap a picture before going and picking up Olivia. "I'm gonna go and put her to bed and then I'm coming back to get you and I'm gonna love on my wife. Spit up and all." With that being said I go out Olivia to bed and then love on my wife. 6 weeks was too long.

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