The Wedding

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Brantley's POV
Today is the day that I marry the love of my life. I've been waiting for this day since the day that I met Chey. We have come such a long way from the first time we dated. Getting sober was the best thing I could've done because it got me my girl who gave me a beautiful daughter. "Hey bro. You nervous for today?" Kolby asks as he walks in. "I'm more than ready. Although, I'm scared that she will turn and run the other way." I tell him with a chuckle. "Nah, man, when I dropped Sophia off at Mama's, Cheyenne came running out asking if I'd seen you yet." I can't help but laugh because I'm literally the same way. Kolby and I walk out onto the back porch and watch the workers put the last touches on the reception area. A little ways past that, I can see the arch way where in a few hours, I will become a married man.

It's about an hour before the wedding and the boys and I are getting ready. I hear the doorbell ring and Kolby says that he will get it. "Brantley! Some one is here for you!" Kolby yells up the stairs. I'm confused at who could be here so I walk downstairs. I see Sophia standing there with a box in her hand.  "Well, don't you look nice." She says as I approach her. "Same to you." I say with a smile as she hands me the box. I open it and as soon as I see what's inside, I start to cry. I'm holding a black picture frame that holds a picture of my two girls. It's a black and white picture of Cheyenne holding Olivia with a smile on her face. Olivia even has a little smile as she looks at the camera. Sophia then hands me a note. Once again my eyes tear up as I read Cheyenne's words.

I will soon be walking down the aisle towards you and I will finally be your wife. I love you so much. I'm not sure what I did to deserve a man like you. You are an amazing father to our baby girl and I can't wait to give you that little football team that you want. Not waking up next to you this morning made me realize how much I really hate being away from you. Olivia and I love you to the moon and back. I'll see you soon. By the way, I'll be the one in white.

Love forever,
Cheyenne (your wife)

Cheyenne's POV
I get nervous as the car pulls up the driveway. My daddy comes and opens my door and helps me put of the car. "You ready?" He asks with a smile. "I've been ready my whole life." I say kissing his cheek. We walk in as Sophia and Kolby make their way down the aisle. I watch as little Cam, our god son, wheel Olivia down the aisle in her little carriage. I swear my heart melted. Now, it's my turn and I can already feel the tears forming. I make it to the aisle and I look over at my dad before we start walking. I see Brantley before he sees me. He looks so handsome. He turns away from Kolby and locks his eyes on me. He starts crying and I can tell he's trying to catch his breath. It feels like forever before I get to him. Dad kisses my cheek and hands me off to Brantley. "You look beautiful." He says as I wipe his tears.

We just finished up our wedding photos and we are heading to the reception. "Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Gilbert." We hear the DJ say and we walk into the tent straight to the dance floor. Brantley wraps his arms around me and we start to dance to Gary Allan's Her Man. "You've been my man since day one." I say in his ear with a smile. He looks at me with a smile and kisses me. "I love you Brantley." "I love you too." We finish our dance and make our way to our table to eat. Kolby and Sophia get up to give their Best Man and Maid of Honor speeches. Kolby, like always, makes jokes. Sophia has both her and I in tears. "Alright, it's time to party." I say grabbing Brantley's hand and taking him to the dance floor. Three hours later, Brantley and I are headed to Cancun for our honeymoon.

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