Finally...He's Home

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Cheyenne's POV
Olivia is now a week old. I'm loving being a mom. It's an amazing feeling. Brantley comes home tonight and he will be here for a couple weeks. I can't wait for him to get here and to watch him with Olivia. He is already her protector and the older she gets the worse he will get. I have Olivia laying in her blanket on the floor and I'm sitting next to her taking pictures. I never took this many pictures until I had a baby. While I'm sitting on the floor, I hear Brantley's bus pull up out front. I immediately get off the floor and take off running outside. I don't stop until I'm able to jump into Brantley's arms. He catches me with ease and kisses me. "There's my girl. Where's my other girl?" Brantley asks looking disappointed. "She's inside waiting on her daddy." I tell him and he takes off running inside.

I'm in the kitchen preparing dinner, and the house is real quiet. I walk into the living room and see Brantley asleep in his recliner with Olivia sleeping on his chest covered in a fluffy pink blanket. I smile to myself and take my phone out of my pocket and snap a picture. It will be posted on social media for sure. I go back into the kitchen to finish dinner and I turn some soft music on. As I bend down and put dinner in the oven, I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I turn around in Brantley's arms and wrap my arms around his neck. "How was your nap?" I ask him in between kisses. "Probably one of the best I've ever had." He says smiling. We stand in the kitchen loving on each other until dinner is ready. After dinner, Brantley helps me clean up and then it's time for Olivia to have a bath. "I'm gonna let daddy put your diaper on and get you in your pajamas." I say to Olivia as I get her out of her infant tub and put her the the towel in Brantley's waiting arms. After a little help, Brantley hands me Olivia so I can feed her.

Brantley's POV
Watching Cheyenne feed our daughter is an amazing thing. The bond that they have already created makes me jealous. After Olivia is finished eating, I tell Cheyenne that I will put her to bed. I walk into the nursery and gently lay her down in her crib. Once I get her covered up, I just stand there and watch her sleep for a minute. It blows my mind that I had apart in creating her little life and how much I love her. I turn the baby monitor on and quietly walk out and back to our room.

I wake up to Olivia crying and Cheyenne getting out of bed. I lay there and listen to my girls through the baby monitor. "Hey princess, Mama is here." Cheyenne says soothingly to the baby. I assume that she is feeding Olivia now because she is quiet and Cheyenne is talking to her. "I love you so much my precious angel. You are the best gift that I've ever gotten. I can't imagine my life without you or your daddy. Your daddy is the best, most amazing, man in the world. I hope you find someone just like him someday." I smile to myself as Cheyenne talks to Olivia. About 10 minutes later, Cheyenne comes back in the room and crawls back in bed. "I love you baby. Just know if my baby girl comes home with a sumbitch like me, I'll stab him." We both laugh and cuddle up before drifting back to sleep.

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