Halfway To Heaven

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Cheyenne's POV
I haven't seen or spoken to Brantley in two months and I miss him. From what Kolby has told me, Brantley is still drinking and partying. Apparently, it's worse now than it ever has been. I've been trying to work more at the restaurant to keep myself busy and not think about him. I just got off work and I'm finally heading home. I hop in my jeep and turn the radio up and jam out to Shania Twain. I get home and start walking up the stairs to my apartment. I go into my room and change into a t-shirt and yoga pants and then go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I'm sitting on my couch eating dinner and watching a movie when my phone starts ringing. It's a number I don't recognize so I pause the movie and decide to answer it. "Hello." I say answering the phone. I hear crying on the other end of the phone and then I hear the voice of Miss Becky, Brantley's mama. "Cheyenne, honey. Brantley was in an accident and it doesn't look good." She says crying harder. "Ok, I'm on my way. I'll be there in ten minutes." I tell her trying to stay calm and not cry. I quickly hang up the phone and grab my purse and my keys and run down to the jeep. I feel like the drive to the hospital is taking forever when in reality I'm almost there. I pull into the parking lot and run inside. I get to the waiting room and see Miss Becky and Kolby sitting there quietly. "What the hell happened?" I ask as I walk up to them. "He drank too much and on his way home, he lost control and flipped his truck. Officer said he stood up before he collapsed and he hasn't woken up since." Miss Becky says through her tears. "When can we see him?"

Brantley's POV
I don't remember what happened but I know that my whole body hurts like hell. I've tried opening my eyes but I can't. I an hear the heart monitor beeping next to me. I can't move and I can't talk. I hear the door to my room open and I hear my mama and Kolby talking as they walk in. I hear my mama start crying and my heart starts breaking. Her and Kolby stayed and talked for awhile and then I hear them leave. I don't know how much time goes by before I hear the door open again and I feel someone grab my hand. I know that hand, that touch. It's Cheyenne. "Brantley, baby, can you hear me?" She asks and I can tell that she's been crying. "Come on Brantley. Open your eyes." I tell myself. I need to see her. "Squeeze my hand if you can hear me. Brantley, I need you to squeeze my hand." Cheyenne says full on crying now. It takes everything I have but I manage to give her hand a small squeeze. "Thank you Brant. Now can you open your eyes? Baby please open your eyes. I want you to look at me." I give myself a pep talk and I slowly open my eyes. It hurts like hell but I open them and look at Cheyenne. She's so beautiful even with tears running down her face. "Hi baby girl." I manage to get out in a scratchy voice. Without saying a word, she leans down and kisses me. It may have hurt like hell but all the pain of opening my eyes was so worth it.

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