~ The Little Things He Loves ~

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- How you have no shame. He'll try so hard to make you blush and he gets frustrated but no matter how hard he tries, you don't blush and just find it adorable how he's 'Angry'

- What you do when you're listening to your favourite songs. You'll be sat on the couch with your phone or tablet and your 'JAM' comes on so you start doing baby headbangs. You were hoping he didn't see but he did and always takes the mick but you know he's doing it to make you laugh so it's okay


- How if he's taken you shopping and you spot something you want you'll turn around and look at him with puppydog eyes, put on your childish voice and bat your eyelashes. If that doesn't work then you go up to him and hug him, Run your hands through his hair and tell him. It always works, He wants to do anything he can to make you happy :)

- When you watch a horror movie together. You try to show him that you are strong and not afraid but truth be told you were scared, like, really scared. You'd shove your head into his neck when you jumped and he put on a brave face. Lets be honest, he was crapping himself xD

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