
819 8 10

Susanne: Unicorn

Grayson: Magic

Ethan: Fake

Susanne: Rude

Grayson: True

Ethan: Funny

Susanne: Not Ethan

Grayson: me

Ethan: Handsome

Susanne: Korean idols

Grayson: not good music

Ethan: Jake Paul

Susanne: Team 10

Grayson: Team of 2

Ethan: The Dolan Twins

Susanne: Dorks

Grayson: Rude

Susanne: I already said that!

Grayson: IDC

Ethan: ?

Susanne: I desire Chanyeol?

Ethan: Who the hell is Chanyeol?

Susanne: Park Chanyeol, main rapper of EXO, actor, singer, guitarist, drummer, hottest person alive.

Grayson: Is it Kpop again?

Ethan: Probably...

Susanne: Yup.

Grayson: Can we just finish playing the game?

Susanne: We did

Ethan: bc you messed up and said 'rude' which had already been said

Susanne: Dumbo

Grayson: Elephant

Ethan: Gray

Susanne: Purple

Grayson: Prince

Ethan: King

Susanne: Queen

Grayson: Old

Ethan: dying

Susanne: Dead

Grayson: Vine :'(

Ethan: Memories

Susanne: Ha

Grayson: I'm pretty sure 'Ha' isn't a word :/

Susanne: I'm pretty sure you lost the game :/

Grayson: DAMN IT

Ethan: Ha

Susanne: Ha

Susanne: That's funny.

Grayson: Idiot

Susanne: Grayson

Grayson: what?

Ethan: xD

Grayson: -_-

Susanne: Ha xD

*Grayson has left the chat*

Susanne: So how's life?

Ethan: Even better now I have pizza :3

Susanne: You really have a problem E-tee-wee-tee xD

Ethan: No, it's called an addiction, I don't do maths anymore :/

Susanne: -_-

*Grayson is back online*

Grayson: Pizza?

Grayson: I smell pizza :/


Ethan: 0-0

Ethan: yes? Sweet brother who would never do anything to harm me or my pizza? :3

Grayson: You have it?

Ethan: No?

Grayson: Really? I swear I can smell pizza :/

Ethan: Maybe that's just you Gray, you need to slim down a little anyway...

Susanne: Yeah, he has it.

Ethan: Damn you

Grayson: I KNEW ITTT


*Grayson is offline*

Ethan: Why would you do that to me?

Susanne: Meh 

Susanne: idk

Susanne: bc I felt like it?

Ethan: That's just mean :(

Susanne: Yup

Susanne: Soooooo mean

Ethan: You could be in the mean girls movie

Susanne: Thanks?

Susanne: Which character?

Ethan: The bin

Ethan: bc you trashy

Ethan: Ha

Susanne: Guess I walked into that one :/

Ethan: Ya think?

Susanne: xD

Ethan: omg can you hear that?

Susanne: What?

Ethan: Are you upstairs?

Susanne: Yeahhh, I'm in my room..

Ethan: Gray is outside my room

Susanne: What's he doing?

Ethan: Singing 0-0

*Ethan has requested a call with you*

You clicked on it and watched his face pop up on screen 'What the hell Eth-' Shh he put his finger to his lips 'Listen' He said. You saw that he had pushed a wardrobe in front of his door and was now crouched underneath it.

You quietened down and listened carefully '... Swiggety Swooty I'm comin for yo booty...' You burst out laughing 'OMG!! THAT'S AMAZING' You put a hand in front of you face to hide your ugly laughing face.

'Hey' He said, you stopped laughing and looked back to your video call 'What?' Ethan looked very serious now 'Don't cover your face when you laugh... You're beautiful, why would you want to hide that?' You blushed furiously at the unexpected comment 'Gotta go' He grunted at the weight, that was Grayson, pushing against his bedroom door.

You smiled to yourself and grabbed the go-pro camera that was sat on your desk, you ran out of your room and raced around the house to Ethan's room.

With the camera on, you recorded Grayson singing and trying to break into his brother's room. Once Ethan had been furiously tackled to the floor you stood above him with the ,still recording, camera 'Why?' He looked at you shaking his head.

You shrugged and smiled 'Just thinking of the fans' He laughed and stood up before wobbling a bit 'God Gray, I wasn't joking when I said you need to slim down' You laughed 'Why's that?' Ethan leant on you a little 'He weighs so muchhhh!!' Ethan groaned and before you knew it Grayson had sprinted from where he was happily stuffing his face with food to tackling Ethan to the floor a second time.

You spend most of the evening with the two of them on Ethan's bedroom floor with Ethan and Gray bickering like 5 year olds over what to watch on Disney Channel and you leaning against the end of the bed with a laptop on your knee, editing the video you recorded and put together for their channel.

You crossed your fingers that the fans would like it :3

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