Imagine For kylah_Marie

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I was sat in the classroom, waiting for English to end so I could go back up to the rooftop.

Me and my best friend, Melissa, always sit up there at lunch - especially when it's sunny. The view is so beautiful.

In English we were learning about all the usual stuff, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Poetry, Shakespeare, more Shakespeare and OH! More Shakespeare. You get my point?

Soon enough the bell for lunch sounded and the teacher told us to pack up, I found my way through the maze of students and hallways to the stairs which head up to the roof.

No one knows about the roof, people think it's sloped but several meters of the top of the roof is flat and has a little greenhouse looking thing on the top.

'Hey Lissa!' I burst through the door to find someone on the roof, it wasn't Melissa. It was the bad boy. Grayson Dolan.

He turned to look at me 'What are you doing here?' He said, showing no emotion. I rolled my eyes 'Duh. It's a school, I'm a student... What are you doing here?' I asked edging closer, the sarcasm long gone.

He sighed 'I come up here sometimes to get away. It's tiring having this bad image. You have to live up to peoples expectations and I feel like I've forgotten who I really am' He shook his head once I stood next to him 'I don't even know why I'm telling you this. I don't know who I am' He said, quietly.

I sat down 'What are you doing?' He asked, staring down at me 'I come up here sometimes to get away. It's tiring being a no one' I said. He sat down next to me.

I smiled at him to let him know I was joking, He rolled his eyes at me.

I dangled my feet off the edge and laid back 'I know who you are' I said, He looked at me funny. This guy is so different to what I thought, The always angryplayboyhunkahunka BadBoy.

He was sweet and innocent and scared. He felt like the real him was missing. There aren't a lot of people in the world like him, apart from his twin brother but that doesn't count.

'You are Grayson Dolan, an everday student who feels somewhat different because of school. He feels like he is no longer who he used to be, like his identity was stolen' I looked at him to see he was staring back at me.

'I'll help you find it. I don't know about you but I'd like to know who you are, Grayson Dolan. Who are you?' I said gently.

He mumbled something, 'What was that?' I sat back on my arms and bathed in the Sun 'My name is Grayson Dolan... and I'm falling for the nobody' My heart stopped.

I'm the nobody.

He looked at me with his deep, hazel eyes 'You're not a nobody. You've made me feel the opposite of what I was feeling before you got here... I've had feelings for people before, I've been in relationships... But I've never felt this way about anyone' He looked down to his hands.

My instincts were in control.

I reached for his hands, he jumped at the unplanned touch 'How can I trust you? I know what you've done and said to girls. That you love them, and them dump them. How do I know you won't do that to me? How do I know Grayson?' I couldn't stop saying his name.

He sighed 'You aren't them... And your mine' He looked at me through his hair 'I want you to be mine... Give me a month... If you don't feel anything back for me, we can end it' He said flinching.

I was still holding his hands, he tightened his grip and brought them up to his lips. My heart was racing, I didn't know what to do.

'I've never been in a relationship before...' I said embarrased.

He smiled at me, I felt something sharp in my chest, what's wrong with me? You are falling for the badboy...

'I'll help you... I've already found myself' He said, tilting his head. I looked up at him 'Really? How?' He made me feel like I was flying.

He brought his face closer to mine 'I found myself... In your eyes' I blushed slightly, he chuckled and rubbed a thumb along my cheek.

'Miss No one... Will you be my girlfriend?' He asked as his hand fell back to his side.

I smiled widely and answered.


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