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***Warning: Suicide + depression***

Y/n: Eth?

Ethan: Yeah y/n?

Y/n: Do you regret going out with me?

Ethan: No, I wouldn't take it back even if you asked me to.

Ethan: What's brought this on?

Y/n: Nothing

Ethan: Y/n

Y/n: Ethan

Ethan: Be serious, tell me what's wrong.

Ethan: Please

Y/n: nothing's wrong

Ethan: When you're in a relationship, you're supposed to lean on each other for support.

Y/n: If I leant on you, you would fall and stop breathing.

Y/n: I wish I'd fall and stop breathing.

Ethan: Stop it!

Ethan: Just stop!

Ethan: Don't you realise this effects everyone around you not just yourself. 

Ethan: Stop being so selfish

Y/n: I've tried to stop, multiple times

Y/n: But somehow when I'm just about to go something pulls me back and forces my heart to carry on beating.

Y/n: How can my heart carry on when it hurts this much?

Y/n: Why does it do this to me?

Ethan: Don't you think about anyone else?

Ethan: What about me? Don't you care about what this is doing to me?

Ethan: I wake up thinking, I wonder if she's still breathing? what a one-sided relationship.

Ethan: It hurts Y/n, why would you ever want to do this to someone?

Y/n: Ethan

Ethan: Why?

Ethan: WHY?

Y/n: I want to die.

Ethan: What?

Y/n: I don't want to do this to you anymore

Y/n: If I die you'll stop hurting.

Y/n: Bye Ethan

Y/n: I love you x

Ethan: Y/N!

*Y/n has gone offline*

*Ethan has gone offline*


This wasn't the first time you'd done this. Everytime you walked home from school you crossed this bridge, where the traffic flowed endlessly and freezing water raged underneath.

Your parents had both abandoned you, you grew up in an orphangage until you were old enough to leave. You met Ethan, things began to get better.

But your love for him wasn't strong enough to block out your dark past.

As you had done once before you took your feet from your flimsy shoes and stood barefoot on the stone cold pavement. No one took notice of you. No one cared enough to stop you.

Your shaking hands gripped your phone tightly, you put it inside one of your shoes along with your glasses and the ring you were given by Ethan.

You took a deep breath as you took a step forwards and proceeded to climb onto the ledge. Tears streamed down your face, but you didn't care anymore. It would be over soon.

You closed your eyes and silently said your goodbyes. This was it.

Within the sound of steady cars humming you thought you heard something. It could have been anything.

You lifted one of your feet and held it above the water, you were about to jump and let go but you froze at the sound of heavy breathing.

'You didn't think I'd let you go this easily did you?' A voice you'd come to know so well, seemed raw with tears. You looked over your shoulder.

Ethan had tears streaming down his face as his breath mixed with the frozen air. 'I don't have anything to say to you... Go away' You turned your face back out to the water.

'If you jump, I'll jump too' You spun around to face him but his shoes and thick coat were already discarded and thrown to the floor and he joined you on the stone ledge.

'Ethan what are you doing?!' You were shaking, from the cold and from the fear of will happen. His phone buzzed but he ignored it and turned to look at you with tear-stained eyes 'You need someone to protect you on the other side' He took your hand.

'Why would you do this?' Your voice shook as you looked to the moon that hung in the sky 'Because I love you' Your eyes met his 'and if this is what I have to do to make you happy? I'll do it' Your mouth hung slightly open. You couldn't say anything.

He cleared his throat 'The question is, will we jump?' Sobs wracked your chest as you cried. 'Y/n look at me' He held your face 'I'll do it... If I don't have you then I don't have anything. I will jump for you, for us'.

You cried into his shoulder 'I never meant for this to happen' He held you securely 'I know but we will get through it... together' Your breath caught in your throat.

'Kiss me' He cried, your lips met for one last time. You held each other tightly as you both silently agreed, you fell. Together.


I just want to say sorry! I didn't realise how long it was xD

I guess I got too into it!

Wow, I'm not crying I promise x

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