Author's Note + Imagine

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Hey all!

I'm sorry for not uploading but I'm writing another book at the moment and I'm waiting to get at least 20 chapters done before I upload it. Some of you might be happy to know it is a BTS fanfic!

That's the reason why, because I really want to finish it so you guys canread it if you want :3



How You Met


- You were at work, your mother'sc cake and coffee shop. A few guys burst in and stumbled over to the counter.

- They were drunk. Like really drunk.

- People began to get up and leave due to the bad language and yelling. You walked over to them and gave them their drinks and their money back. You gave them their money because you were going to kick them out.

- The shop was empty.

- All the drunks stood up and pushed you back into one of the corner booths. One of them stayed with you as the rest of them trashed the shop.

-You tried to get out and stop them while you screamed at them but the guy who was in your way pushed you back and pinned you too the wall.

'No one can hear you girlie... Your alone' He whispered creepily.

- You struggled and tried to get him off you.

- Under the noise of smashing plates and glasses the doorbell rang, the guys didn't hear.

-One of the customers who left came back, his wallet was on one of the tables.

'No she's not' His deep voice was quiet but all the guys heard and stopped.

He was gorgeous.

- He ripped the drunk off of you as the flashing lights of police cars danced across the ceiling.

- The drunks ran out the door to be greated by 10 angry policemen.

- The customer held his hand out to you and smiled.

'It's okay... I've got you...'


- You were sat in the primary school classroom before the bell had sounded and were sketching in the back of your English book.

- There was some commotion coming from outside the door.

- A few seconds later a boy walked in, black and blue with bruises, and tears rolling down his little cheeks.

'Are you okay?'

- You pushed out of your seat and went to him holding your little handkercheif, the one with your initials sewn into the corner.

- You wiped his tears away 

'I must take you to medical'

He shook his head.

'I have to, the lady will help it stop hurting'

He shook his head again.

- He spoke up

'You make it stop hurting'

- He took your handkercheif and just held it in his hands, brushing his fingers across the soft material.

- You took his hand causing him to jump a little from the movement. You pulled him back towards the door and slowly led him towards medical.

- He asked you to stay with him. You did. You held his hand as his cuts and bruises were cleaned.

- You were going sneeze, he handed you your handkercheif.

-You realised afterwards that it wasn't yours, it had different initials sewn in the corner. E D.

He smiled at you 'Ethan Dolan. My name'

You held his and he was still holding yours 'Y/Initials?' He asked.

You smiled back and told him your name

'My name's Y/N'

- His smiled widened 'I like it'

You giggled 'I like your name too, Ethan'


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