~What he does when you fall asleep~

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- He walks into the bathroom, leaving you giggling about some really dumb but amusing joke, and goes to shower. After his shower he comes back into the bedroom to see you in your kiddie onsie snuggled up in the bed sheets. Gray walks over to the bed wearing his matching onsie (Ik cute right) and slides under the covers next to you. He gets comfy and closes his eyes but opens them again when he feels something against his side. You were cuddled up next to him with your head leaning on his chest, you let out a small yawn which made him smile. "Good night, love" He whispers before pecking your forehead and closing his eyes again.


- He walked into the kitchen and smiled as he heard you laughing at the movie you were watching together. Eth went to get a drink for you because you accidentally knocked it over when you jumped up at Ethan trying to scare you. He walked back into the living room to see you sleeping upside down. Yes, upside down. You're head was drooping off the couch while your legs were swung over the back of it, Your boyfriend laughed to himself about what a wierdo you were, then he reminded himself that you were his wierdo. Eth put the drink he was carrying down onto the coffee table and picked you up, he placed down some pillows and then put you gently back down - trying not to wake you up. You snuggled into the couch mumbling something about Ethan, it made him smile so he leaned down and quickly pecked your cheek before walking over to the other couch and settling down himself.

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